Step-by-step instructions on how to install macOS and Ubuntu on a Mac computer.
There are four parts:
Downloading Files
Download the following files from
It is strongly recommended that you install and use a download manager software (e.g. FileZilla) to download the files since the iso file is huge, and the download manager can resume the download just in case you lost the connection. Save the files to a USB drive or external HD. Below is a screenshot using FileZilla:
Create Bootable USB
Do the following on a working Mac. Otherwise, complete “The Mac Side” section and come back here.
The USB drive now can be used to boot any Mac.
If MacOS is missing
You will need to have Wifi and internet access to reinstall macOS.
If MacOS is present
If you know the password of the admin user, congratulations!. Otherwise, follow these steps to reset the password:
“Labdooing” the Mac
Create Labdoo Accounts
You will use the existing admin account to create two new accounts: “student” and “labdoo” and then remove all non-labdoo accounts.
Delete Non-labdoo Accounts
Change the Computer Name:
We will change the computer name to the labdoo Tag ID:
Create a Partition for Ubuntu
We are now ready to install Ubuntu on the new partition. But there is one task left: to install a boot manager.
Install rEFInd Boot Manager
Disable SIP (System Integrity Protection)
SIP protects critical areas on the disk from being altered, and rEFInd needs to write to one of those areas. Thus, we need to disable SIP before installing rEFInd
If it says “enabled” like in the capture above, follow the steps below to disable it
Installing rEFInd
We are now ready to install Ubuntu.
The installation of Ubuntu overwrites the EFI boot area that we created earlier in the “Installing rEFInd” section. But without the EFI boot area, the Ubuntu installation would fail for some reason that I haven’t figured out. Thus, we’ll have to install rEFInd again.
Enable SIP