we are glad to announce that there is now additional and updated educational content available. Many of you asked for ebooks and content for young pupils (pre-school and first years of school). Also more French content was requested. This and much more was now made available!
As you know Labdoo uses the RACHEL collections in various languages, but now there is "new stuff" available, e.g.
- content for pre-school and primary schools,
- French children books,
- localised content, e.g. exams for western Africa,
- Arabian educational videos by the Khan Academy,
- and much, much more, a total of 175 GB of new content,
To make usage easier for you we did some work - downloaded and zipped the interesting content from http://dev.worldpossible.org/cgi/rachelmods.pl, dropping the content
- which would be redundant to the Xowa wikis or
- being already part of the RACHEL collections,
- needing a database, software or server to run the content (all selected content can be viewed in any browser),
We built archives (tar.gz) and uploaded them to our FTP server http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/wiki-archive/.
And for those languages with a lot of content in various folders you will find prepared files index-xx.html (xx = de, es, en, fr). After having installed the content open this index-file in any browser and you get fast access to the content, including a legal disclaimer for the users.
The content can be brought to your edoovillage / school, e.g. by downloading it yourself or to ask travellers to bring a copy via an external disc-drive or USB-disc drive to your place.
For more details and a list of the prepared content please refer to https://www.labdoo.org/content/overview-educational-content-ftp-server.
Of cause you can browse through the above mentioned World Possible web-site and download the content you need yourself, e.g. using rsync tool. To connect your server or desktop to our FTP server please refer to https://www.labdoo.org/de/content/connect-labdoo-ftp-server. But not everybody knows how to use that tool. So you can download the archives more easily from our FTP-server http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/wiki-archive (check out the sub-folders, named after the content's language).
From here you can download the archive(s) you need, just right mouse click and "save as", if you haven't set-up an rsync-process between the FTP and your local server (which will do the download and synchronise job automatically).
In case of any question or if you get aware of content, which might be of interest for other schools or Labdoo, please send a mail to Labdoo-DACH@Labdoo.org. Thank you.
Labdoo.org (Germany)