What is NorSA?
Investing in the lives of children - NorSA Community Care is a NPO in South Africa and a Designated Child Protection Organization registered by the Department of Social Development in Western Cape, SA (as required in the Children’s Act, Act 38 of 2005).
NorSA was established during 2006 in co-operation with PROCARE and Children of the Word Norway. The main focus of the organization is changing the destiny of families and children in need. NorSA develops, manages and facilitates community based projects investing in the lives of children to ensure that they have ample opportunities to develop to their full potential.
Break the Cycle
"Be the change you want to see in the world" (Ghandi)
NorSA’s holistic approach ensures that we reach children on all levels and that they are afforded ample opportunities to develop to their full potential. All the children we are involved with, have the potential to make a success of their lives. They however need us to invest in their lives and to provide them with the necessary opportunities.
The sustaining of these programmes is of utmost importance as it proves to break the negative, destructive cycle.
Each donor and contributing organization is touching the life of a child and is investing in the future of a child who has the potential, but lacks the opportunities.
Youth Development Programme
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" (Nelson Mandela)
NorSA facilitates a Youth and After Care Centre from where youth development programmes are facilitated. The focus of this center is to create opportunities for the school going children as well as out of school youth to receive guidance, exposure, education and support to enable them to live independent and to their full potential.
Activities include:
Homework facility for school going children with adequate supervision and assistance
Computer room where children can receive computer training and where school going children can do their school assignments
Recreational activities such as art, dance, choir, soccer, etc.
Skills development programme for out of school youth

Date it was last updated: 02/01/18