some users reported problems caused by students deleting or modifying the desktop, settings, user interface or files by mistake. The menu bar on the desktop was deleted etc. If you are aware how to fix that, no problem. But the computer experience of the receivers is often poor, so we offer now a solution to reset user student to the default settings, at the moment the system was delivered.
Stefan, a helper of hub Rhein-Ruhr (Germany), developed the 2 enclosed scripts. Thank you, Stefan :) Great job.
These 2 scripts will soon become part of the Labdoo images for cloning. You will find them on the desktop of user labdoo (as you need super-user rights to execute the scripts).
Once your installation is finished (e.g. sometimes you want to modify the desktop of user student, add e.g. Skype or other starters) you run the script backup_user_student.sh, being logged in as user labdoo. This script will save the settings of user student. Before uploading an image for cloning we will run this script as well, so if you forget to run it, no problem :) Of cause this script will not solve all problems, which might come up at user site, but it is another step to improve Labdoo images for cloning.
If a problem shows up at a school with user student the school will be able to re-store these setting for user student to default by running the script restore_user_student.sh. But be careful - all work, settings or documents done or stored in the meantime since receiving the computer, will be lost. There is a hint for the user, when you start this script, to backup the data of user student. As usual - Labdoo is not responsible to the software delivered, if not being used properly...
By bringing and running these 2 scripts at user site you are also able to add this additional "safety net" for computers, which were already delivered.
I would like to ask for your opinion - Should we remove the backup-part of the scripts, once the laptop will be delivered? Pro: Reset to setting when delivered; Con: No later status can be backup-ed at the school site. Or should the backup script stay on the desktop? Pro: The school can decide to backup any future status, but this may cause data problems, if much data was added to user student!
Any ideas to improve this or other aspects of the Labdoo solution are welcome.
Ralf Hamm
Labdoo Hub Rhein-Ruhr (Germany)