South Africa, Nelspruit Village: SASA Scout Centre in Nelspruit
Sharon Mkhonto
The project will be based in Nelspruit, the capital of Mpumalanga province, in our Scout Centre, where we will offer free computer courses. The centre is a focal point for various Scout troops in and around Nelspruit as well as interested children and youth i.e. from schools and churches in the area. Most of the youth in Mpumalanga do not have access to computers and thus the project will be beneficial for scouts and non-scouts alike. They will be taught basic computer skills in order to prepare them i.e. for the job market by writing CV’s and improving their overall tech skills. The infrastructure is very good and the staff is also supported by German volunteers being part of the weltwärts-program of the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Date it was last updated: 28/12/16