Ideas to work with your hub members


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At Labdoo, the imagination is boundless. You can be creative and help in many different ways, from laptop donation to delivery of the laptops. Here is a small fraction of possible mini-tasks you can take quick action on.

  • Introduction to the Labdoo Project.
  • Outreach to Community for Laptop Drives.
    • Reuse – Discover idle laptops around you and put them to better use.
    • Repurpose – An old laptop can have a new story. It can help provide education resources for underprivileged children.
    • Recycle – By properly recycling a laptop, 41 lbs of carbon emission will be prevented from entering the atmosphere. This is equivalent to recycling 270 soda cans.
    • Spread awareness among family and friends.
    • Set a goal on the number of laptops to be rescued for the semester.
    • Plan a laptop drive campaign and design a flyer. Check out the Labdoo toolkit for some ideas and templates: ../content/labdoo-toolkit
    • Follow the link HERE to learn how to effectively rescue an idle laptop.
  • Conduct a technical workshop.
  • Dootrips.
    • Learn how the laptops get delivered without additional expenses and without additional CO2 emissions.
    • Find traveling resources among family and friends.
    • Try to match existing trip plans with destinations to Edoovillages or other Labdoo hubs and ask travelers to help carry a laptop to its next stop.
  • Adopt a project site (Edoovillage).
    • Identify an organization that needs laptop resources.
    • Help manage communication between the edoovillage, dootripers, and hubs.
  • Recycling.
    • Watch educational videos together (e.g., TED Talks).
    • Organize an e-waste drive.