![imatge de jordi imatge de jordi](https://platform.labdoo.org/sites/default/files/styles/thumbnail/public/pictures/picture-7-1436607887.png?itok=n_Tt0c5S)
Hola Labdoo Catalonia,
Algu de vosaltres s'ofereix per ajudar a traduir aquestes 56 paraules al catala? Les trobareu en aquest doc. (Podeu fer la traduccio directament a la columnca C del mateix doc.)
Son uns minuts de feina pero d'alt impacte per l'us de la plataforma a la zona de Catalunya. Merci!
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Subject: [Labdoo] New conversation in Team Wiki and Translations: 'Translation of Labdoo menus and other improvements'
As you know, one of the important missing translation components is the Labdoo menus, as they show only in English regardless if you select a different language. This has been a long standing remaining item and finally we are now ready to translate it thanks to some internal improvements in the Labdoo workflow.
So i wanted to ask to those of you who have been helping out translating Labdoo, if you could please translate the following simple words to your language of choice (please do the translation directly in the following Google doc):
There is another improvement coming along for translations, which will allow us to resolve some if the issues we have when switching languages for some base pages like "About Labdoo" or "Getting started", among others. I will describe this other improvement later on. For now, please help by translating the words in the above document. It will only take a few minutes, but make a big difference to all the users.
Thank you very much for being such strong supporters of the Labdoo cause.
Moltes gracies Montserrat per
Moltes gracies Montserrat per haver respost tan rapidament i haver fet la traduccio al catala.
Aquesta tasca doncs esta resolta. En breu actualitzarem la plataforma per incloure la traduccio dels menus al catala. Gracies.
Equip Labdoo.