What are you planning on bringing? Please comment below with your item.

On Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 8:25 AM
Hi Wendy,
I just wanted to give you an updates about the laptops that Labdoo has donated.
Back in the summer of 2016, I have delivered two donated laptops to the Pathein High School in Myanmar. With that two laptops, several science teachers were able to learn how to use the laptops and develop a simple computer learning curriculum for the students....

Come join the Labdoo team for a Fall BBQ! Please register for this event to let us know if you plan on coming. If you are planning on bringing food and drinks, comment on this conversation with what you are bringing and what time you plan on coming: https://www.labdoo.org/content/labdoo-oc-sept-23-bbq

Dear all,
The September meeting is going to be on Sunday, 9/3, 2-4pm.
Thanks to Edgar and Don for tirelessly reaching out and rescuing retired laptops, we have over 60 laptops waiting to be worked on. Please mark your calendar and come help! Thank you, as always, for your great support to Labdoo.
~Labdoo-OC Team

Dear all,
Thanks so much for helping out at the July meetup. It was definitely a fun and efficient one!!!
We've set the August meetup to be on Sunday, 8/6, 2-4pm.
There will be a group going to Nepal in the beginning of September, who can help us carry 10 laptops, therefore, we need your help to come and get the laptops ready togehter!
~Labdoo-OC Team

On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 4:29 AM
Hello Wendy
Hope this email finds you well
I am writing to let you know that all five laptops that you donated were well received and will soon be put to use.
Attached is a picture of the laptops as received
Thank you Labdoo for the generous donation, indeed you support us to soar.
We truly do appreciate
Noeline Kirabo
Team Leader

Hello Everyone,
Happy Monday!
Thanks to Evelyn for the intro presentation, David T. & David R. for leading the workshop, Austin and Charles for taking pictures, and all for the great works on getting the laptops ready for schools.
Austin will share the QA pictures at FB shortly. He also made a great suggestion for me, to post appreciation emails here in order to share with everyone...

Hello everyone,
It's a busy summer!!
We've sent out 16 laptops to Nepal , 7 laptops to Tijuana in the past month, and we just had another recycling event in Stanton.last weekend. Thanks to everyone's contribution!
More laptops means more works waiting ahead! Our next meeting will be on Sunday,7/16, 2-4pm. Please mark your calendar and come to help.
~The Labdoo-OC Team

Dear Labdoo-OC team,
Happy Summer!!
Our next meeting is scheduled to be on Sunday, 6/11, 2-4pm. Please mark the date at your calendar and come to help get more laptops ready for the needy students.
Hope to see everyone again at PeopleSpace soon!
~The Labdoo-OC Team

Dear Labdoo-OC team,
Our May meeting is scheduled to be on Sunday, 5/7, 2-4pm. Please mark the date at your calendar and come to help get the used laptops ready for the needy schools.
We are grateful for your time and effort that you have put into making this world a better place.
Thank you,
~The Labdoo-OC Team