Everybody can be a participant in the Labdoo network by performing actions to help spread education around the globe. When one or more of the participants act together regularly, they can optionally create their own Labdoo Hub. A hub is mainly a group of people that get together from time to time to carry activities such as collecting and sanitizing unused laptops, organizing dootrips, recycling technology, or carrying out outreaching activities, among others. Hubs are flexible in that they do not need to carry out all of these activities, but just the ones that are appropriate to the skills of the people part of it. For instance, some hubs are just dropping points where people can bring their unused laptops which then get transported to other hubs where they get sanitized. Hubs are typically implemented in high schools, at home, in companies, in your local neighbor community, in any type of organized community.
If you want to create you own hub, please write an email to contact@labdoo.org and we will get back to you with further information on how to proceed.
When your own hub is created, you will receive a kit containing the following:
Here is a brochure to help quickly explain what a hub is that you can also share with your friends.
[Download in printable format]
There exist two types of hubs at Labdoo:
As a hub manager, you will have the capability to activate some triggers allowing you to automatically receive notifications upon certain events that might be of interest to your hub operations. To manage your notification triggers, click first on 'My account' to go to your account page. From there, click on the 'Edit profile' tab. This will open your profile configuration page. In that page, scroll down until you see the section 'Hub manager notifications'. In that section, you will be able to select which notification triggers you want to activate and also define your notification area.
Under 'Types of notifications ', select any of the triggers that you want to turn on:
Under 'Notification area', specify the area of the region you would like to receive notifications from. For instance, if you set this value to 50 km, you will receive notifications from activity happening within 50 kms of your home location.
Figure. As a hub manager, you can configure notifications to help you track relevant activities. |
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To upload the pictures of your hub activities to your hub photo album, do as follows:
1. Make sure you are logged in to Labdoo.org. (If you are not logged in, go to https://www.labdoo.org/user/login and enter your username and password.)
2. Go to your hub page. To find your hub page, you can go to "My account" (https://www.labdoo.org/user) and then click on the "Global contributions" tab. Then click on the link "[See all contributed hubs]". This will take you to a dashboard from where you can select your hub.
3. Once you are on the hub page, click on "Go to photo album". This will take you to your photo album. Now you can click on "Upload new photos" where you will be able to upload your new photos. Notice that you will only see the option "Upload new photos" if you have sufficient hub managing rights to do so. If you don't see this option, contact the Labdoo team (https://www.labdoo.org/content/contact-labdoo) giving us your username so that we can provide sufficient rights to your account.
If you have any issues uploading your pictures, contact the Labdoo team at https://www.labdoo.org/content/contact-labdoo.
Figure. Go to your hub photo album and click on 'Upload New Photos' to post pictures of your hub activities. |
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Each hub comes with a semaphore which is displayed on the right side of its dashboard (see Figure below). The semaphore colors have the following meaning:
To change the status of your hub's semaphore, click on the 'Edit this hub' link (see Figure) that you will find in your hub's dashboard (make sure you are logged in to see this link) and change the value of the field 'Semaphore'.
Figure. On each hub dashboard, you will see a semaphore drawing. |
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The following protocol describes the actions that need to be taken by the dropping point hub when receiving laptops from the citizens and when handing laptops to the sanitation hubs.
Laptop management protocol for Labdoo Dropping Point Hubs
When your hub receives a laptop from a donor:
When your hub gives a laptop to a sanitation hub.
A hub englobing multiple hubs within the same geographic region is called a superhub. Superhubs add two additional functionalities to the Labdoo system:
In the next two sections, the above two features are described in more detail.
Labdoo users who have the "superhub" role assigned are allowed to create new Labdoo hubs. (For information on what a hub is, please refer to the Hubs Section in the 'Values and Principles' wiki book.) The process of creating a new Labdoo hub is as follows:
(where USERNAME is the username of the user), click on the tab 'Roles', and activate the checkbox 'hub manager' as illustrated in the next figure.
Figure. To assign the 'hub manager' role, go to that user's page, click on 'Roles' and select the appropriate checkbox. |
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After the above steps, the new hub managers can start their hub activities as described in the Hubs Section of this wiki book.
Users with the superhub role are also allowed to create new pages in the labdoo.org platform to help manage the outreaching activities in their own regions. This feature allows this type of users provide localized content that is specific to the region they are covering.
To create a superhub page, follow the next steps (you will need to have the superhub role assigned to your user):
<strong><span style='color:#ff3300;'>Your SuperHub Name</span></strong>
<select name='URL' onchange='window.location.href=this.form.URL.options[this.form.URL.selectedIndex].value'>
<option value='URL1'>Title Page 1</option>
<option value='URL2'>Title Page 2</option>
<option value='URL3'>Title Page 3</option>
<option value='URL4'>Title Page 4</option>
Substitute 'URL{1,2,3,4}' for the URLs of your pages removing the host name. For instance, if the URL of a page is https://www.labdoo.org/content/adding-superhub-page
, then use '/content/adding-superhub-page'. Substitute also 'Title Page {1,2,3,4}' for the title of each specific page.
When done, click on 'Save' to create your menu block.
At the end of this process, you will have created a set of pages and a menu block linked to the pages. Your site visitors will be able to browse all your pages by using the menu block.
If you also want to create a 'URL redirect' of your pages (for instance, if you want to map the URL https://www.labdoo.org/content/superhub-page-regionA
to https://regionA.labdoo.org
), please email contact@labdoo.org requesting the mapping.
As the manager of a superhub, you may want to have control on how users reach out to you. In this section you will learn how you can use the 'Labdoo Contact' page to redirect requests to your superhub.
The Labdoo contact page is located in this URL: https://www.labdoo.org/content/contact-labdoo. This contact form implements two main features:
If you click on this URL https://www.labdoo.org/content/contact-labdoo?co=de&re=1, you will notice that both the country and the reason fields are prepopulated. That's because the country is passed in the URL with the parameter 'co=de' (which corresponds to the country of Germany) and the reason is passed with the parameter 're=1' (which corresponds to reason #1 in the list: "I want to contribute a trip (dootrip)").
This feature is useful for creating your own customized redirect buttons from your own superhub page to the general contact form in a way that you can preset the answer to each of these two questions if you know where your user is coming from and the reason he/she is trying to contact you.
For a list of country codes that you can use when setting the URL parameter 'co', you can refer to this page: https://countrycode.org/
The list of reasons codes is as follows:
're=0': "I want to contribute a laptop or a tablet (dootronic)"
're=1': "I want to contribute a trip (dootrip)"
're=2': "I want to become a Labdoo volunteer (labdooer)"
're=3': "I want to solicit laptops or tablets for my educational project (edoovillage)"
're=4': "I just want to send a message to Labdoo.org"
Here is a use case describing how to put all this together. Let's say that in your front superhub page you want to add a button dedicated to users who are in your region and who want to contribute a dootrip. Then, you would implement this button:
As you can see, when you click on the above button ('Flugpate werden', which in Germany means 'Contribute a trip'), you get redirected to the contact page with the country and reason fields prepopulated to the values of "Germany" and "I want to contribute a trip (dootrip)", respectively.
Here is the HTML code to implement the above button:
<a href="../content/contact-labdoo?co=de&re=1">
<img src="/profiles/labdoo/files/pictures/button-contribute-dootrip-de.png" width="200"/></a>
Feel free to cut and paste the above code as a template and modify it to generate your own customized contact buttons. Remember also that you can find template buttons that you can reuse from the Labdoo toolkit. Happy coding!
If you are a superhub manager, you will also be able to encode your own Adwords conversion paths to help make your online campaigns more effective. (More information about conversion paths can be found on the web in places like https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1191209).
To enable your own conversion paths, click on the "Hubs" tab located at the top of this page and then click on "[Superhub] Manage adwords". (You will only be able to see this option if your user account has the superhub role enabled.) In the next page, you can edit your existing conversion paths or you can add new ones. To add a new conversion path, click on the link "Add conversion code". This will take you to a page where you can fill in all the necessary information ("Conversion ID", "Language", "Format", "Color" and "Label"). In the last field "Paths", you need to add the URL paths to the page that you want to attach the conversion path to. For instance, if the page is https://www.labdoo.org/content/thank-you-de0, then you need to enter the path "content/thank-you-de0". You can add multiple paths, each one of a separate line.
Figure. Click on "Hubs" - "[Superhub] Manage adwords" - "Add conversion code" to add your own conversion codes. |
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Finding a Labdoo hub can be helpful if you want to donate your laptop or pick up laptops for your school (edoovillage). To find a Labdoo hub from a specific city and country, please follow the next steps.
If you need to contact the hub manager directly, you can also follow the next steps.
Note on hubs and branches: Some hubs are marked as "branch". Branches are small hubs that have a parent hub. If you cannot reach out to a branch manager, you can try contacting its parent hub manager too.
Note on hub types: The field "Type" in a hub explains the supporting function of that hub. There are two types of hubs: