Give users an option to opt out from laptop updates


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General task
In progress

Donors who provide their email will receive laptop notifications. This task is about giving them a link (in the notification email) to automatically stop receiving such emails.

This input was given from feedback by user Javier from Germany:

"> I am a new Labdoo contributor, that started a month ago and I am giving a
> hand at the Munich Hub.
> One of the things that I have realized is that when we add the email address
> of the donors in the dootronic, he receives all the updates of the
> dootronic (what is initially OK) but the mail does not give any
> "unsuscribe" posibility (a direct access to delete his mail of the list of
> assicated mail address with the dootronic) or something like this...
> would this not be a desirable feature? is it not implemented because of
> technical reasons? I would not like to see the contributors marking our
> mails as spam.."