Labdoo Annahmestelle 01829 Stadt Wehlen: Michael Klix


Mensaje de estado

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Labdoo Annahmestelle 01829 Stadt Wehlen: Michael Klix



Michael Klix
Steinrücken 9 (Annahme bitte nach vorheriger Absprache)
01829 Stadt Wehlen , SN
50° 57' 25.4916" N, 14° 2' 0.06" E
Sachsen DE
Centro de recolección (hub) principal: 
Tipo de hub: 
Punto de entrega
Punto de saneamiento
Sobre este centro de recolección: 

Michael Klix
+49 176 24131110
+49 35024 183869

Bei Fragen oder falls kein Kontakt zustande kommt, wendet euch gerne an, vielen Dank.
Alle Hubs in Deutschland auch als nach PLZ-sortierte Liste, bei Google Maps oder OSM OpenStreetMap. Alternativ ist auch ein Postversand möglich.

Hub branches: 
Date it was created: 16/10/20/
Date it was last updated: 27/08/23


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Dootronic ID País Estado Model Serial number Weight
000025480 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Dell Vostro 3700-4853 59XB5N1
000026495 Burkina Faso [S4] Deployed and being used Toshiba Medion MD 96420 KNB801003484
000035543 Germany [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance Highscreen Green 732 GBX623700730 1AB 4.40Kgms
000035544 Germany [S6] Recycled Medion MD96360 SAM2010 4015625300071640 2.40Kgms
000035613 Nigeria [S4] Deployed and being used Dell Studio 1537 PP33L 401S94J 3.00Kgms
000054751 Germany [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance Lifebook AH530 YL9Q493066
000054752 Germany [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance Lifebook AH530 YL9Q476294
000054753 Germany [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance Lifebook AH530 YL9Q493119
000054755 Germany [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance Lifebook AH530 YL9Q493069
000054756 Germany [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance Lifebook AH530 YL9Q493077
000054757 Germany [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance Lifebook AH530 YL9Q493089
000054758 Germany [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance Lifebook AH530 YL9Q476298
000054759 Germany [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance Lifebook AH530 YL9Q493124
000054760 Germany [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance Lifebook AH530 YL9Q476314
000054761 Germany [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance Lifebook AH530 YL9Q476300
000054762 Germany [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance Lifebook AH530 YL9Q476303
000054763 Germany [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance Lifebook AH530 YL9Q493121
000054764 Germany [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance Lifebook AH530 YL9Q476309
000054765 Germany [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance Lifebook AH530 YL9Q499919


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