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Labdoo Global Support (LGS)

Imagen de Sanskriti04
Submitted by Sanskriti04 | Last mesage on Mar, 07/25/2023 - 10:46 | 1 comment(s)
Hi Labdoo Support team, I am currently a Data Science Degree course student at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. I got the Labdoo Laptop from a courier delivered to my address on last Monday (17th July 2023)...with the id no. 7D7525921. When I opened it is having fracture on one joint of the upper and the lower part. On first day, it atleast get opened and in working condition, only...
Imagen de hninphyusin
Submitted by hninphyusin | Last mesage on Lun, 06/26/2023 - 05:45 | 3 comment(s)
Since the beginnning of using this laptop, the laptop runs really slowly. So I have put it aside for long and re-ran just recently. It is still working but need a lot of patient to open a program properly. I am not using it any longer and could you please kindly direct me how should I do for this item. Thanks.
Imagen de SL Controls
Submitted by SL Controls | Last mesage on Sáb, 02/25/2023 - 13:20 | 1 comment(s)
Hi, This is the first time I am setting up laptop for Labdoo, and I think I have a tricky one for the start :). First it has a small 32 GB harddrive. After reading through all the good documentation I've found the PAE64_20_04_LTS_EN_22 image in the special section. Second thing was changing boot option to Legacy and using the Labtix based on the Labtix_2_08.iso. So far so good. Where I...

Coffee Shop

Imagen de Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on Mié, 07/19/2023 - 19:25 | 0 comment(s)
What's new in Labtix 2.09 Labtix 2.09 is now available. In recent years, Labtix has become the most widely used installation tool in the Labdoo project worldwide and is very popular. In line with this, Labdoo (Germany) has been providing ready-made images for cloning on the FTP server in various languages and content for years. And here a bottleneck has arisen. Thousands of...
Imagen de Rhein-Ruhr-Hub
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on Sáb, 02/11/2023 - 11:57 | 0 comment(s)
Our installation tool Labtix is now available in version 2.08 For both UEFI (default) and Legacy, there are now optimized scripts for the installation of 22.04 LTS images. Just right click on the desired image folder and you are ready to go. Thanks to the Labtix development team. Unser Installationstool Labtix ist...

Software Development

Imagen de joejelliss
Submitted by joejelliss | Last mesage on Jue, 06/01/2023 - 19:01 | 1 comment(s)
Hello, i would like to know what packages extactly are installed for education in the ubuntu OS. So i would like to figure out what we can do to make the image much smaller then it is now. I am interessted to work with you on the source of the image. No matter what solution we use when it is done. Can i get in touch with you on a better communication system like matrix or otherwise....
Imagen de frankgeisler
Submitted by frankgeisler | Last mesage on Sáb, 01/28/2023 - 11:08 | 4 comment(s)
hello i feel that we create an unnecessary volume of wasted paper if we print just one tag of one laptop on one page. this might not be a challenge for individual taggers but for hubs who tag and sanitize many laptops it is a waste of time, paper and hence precious resources. my suggestion is to add some type of functionality where one can either enter manually all the tag numbers of...

Labdoo Catalonia

Imagen de jordi
Submitted by jordi | Last mesage on Vie, 05/12/2023 - 13:13 | 6 comment(s)
Bon dia, Iniciem aquest mur / conversa que està destinat a resoldre dubtes que sorgeixin a qualsevol hub Labdoo de la zona de Catalunya. Si sou un hub Labdoo i teniu dubtes tant tècnics o de gestió del vostre hub, els podeu posar en aquest mur i rebreu resposta. Les preguntes que poseu en aquest mur seran respostes per l'equip Labdoo de l'Escola Vedruna de Vilafranca, que molt amablement...
Imagen de InsTremp
Submitted by InsTremp | Last mesage on Jue, 02/16/2023 - 11:57 | 2 comment(s)
Bon dia, Estem començant com a Hub i al intentar d'executar el Labtix descarregat des del servidor FTP oficial, veig que només hi ha la versió de 64 bits, la de 32 està en un lloc diferent? tinc equips amb processadors de 32 bits així que necessitaria una versió que els pugues funcionar. També veig que la única ISO per descarregar (del Linux que quedarà instal·lat en l'equip) de 32 bits es la...
Imagen de santelies-hub
Submitted by santelies-hub | Last mesage on Mar, 02/14/2023 - 22:32 | 2 comment(s)
Bones, Us compartim el webinar que vam realitzar el passat 18 de gener de 2023. Esperem que us sigui d'utilitat. [video:] Ferran Garcia Labdoo escola Vedruna Vilafranca