Englischer Labdoo-Flyer | English Labdoo flyer


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beside the German version there is now an English version of our Labdoo flyer available (PDF). German helpers can contact Labdoo.org (Germany) to get printed versions, e.g. as handouts for conferences or events. Others might be interested to use it as PDF. The source file (ODG) is also available in the same folder of FTP server, if you want to modify it or generate a high resolution file for printing. Thank you Kate for proof reading and corrections made.

Neben dem deutschen Labdoo-Flyer gibt es ab sofort auch eine englische Version (PDF). Helfer in Deutschland können sich an Labdoo.org (Deutschland) wenden, wenn sie gedruckte Flyer für Veranstaltungen benötigen.

EN: http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/documents/english/labdoo-flyer-A6-EN.pdf
DE: http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/documents/german/Poster%20Flyer/labdoo-fl...

contact: https://www.labdoo.org/content/labdoo-hub-rhein-ruhr

Thank you

Team Labdoo.org (Germany)