Labdoo 平台讓使用者能夠建立屬於自己的百科頁面。在這之前,使用者需要擁有「書本作者」的職稱。如果您還沒有被分配到此職務,但又想要創立百科頁面的話,請電郵至。(您可以於「我的賬戶」的「我的職稱」中查看自己目前的職位)。
While there is quite a bit of flexibility when writing your own wiki books, it is important to follow certain best practice rules to ensure that the content provided within the Labdoo platform is of good quality. As a wiki writer, please follow the next recommendations:
<em>text here</em>
. If your tag does not include any object inside (such as the new line tag <br>
or the horizontal line tag <hr>
), then you have two options: you can use either <br></br>
(without any object between the clauses) or the more compact version <br/>
. This first best practice is specially important because the Labdoo system provides automatic back ups of all the wiki content which needs to parse all the wiki pages, and if the tags are not correctly set up, the parsing process can break.
The general structure of the Labdoo wiki system is similar to other standard wiki systems (such as the Wikipedia) and hence it is fairly free style. That means that there is no need to have a lot of synchronization on what types of documents are created. If you believe that a certain article or document belongs to the Labdoo wiki system, then in general you can go ahead and create it. The wiki is an open system and your work will be subject to peer reviewing by other Labdooers so that if the new document is inappropriate to the subjects of interest in the Labdoo platform, then you will be given instructions on how to edit the content. As in any open wiki system, inappropriate content can be unpublished at any time, to ensure the wiki abides to certain standards of quality and relevancy.
Besides the above general 'free style' principle, the wiki does have a few categories of documents that are considered core to the Labdoo platform and standard for all available languages. When writing a new document, one needs to first consider if the new page belongs to any of these categories and structure the document accordingly, ensuring that there is no overlapping and that the new text follows a smooth reading experience with respect to the core documents. Here is the list of core documents/categories:
The general principle to add content to the wiki system is as follows: if the subject of the new wiki page belongs to any of the above core categories, then consider adding the new page as part of the above documents; otherwise, you can create a new wiki book.
Please refer to page
It is important to not make a wiki page publicly available until its text has been carefully proofread and corrected from any typos and grammatical mistakes. This is to ensure that all content abides to a minimum standard of quality.
To accomplish this, each wiki page has a tag on its top called 'Publish/Unpublish' (this feature is only available to users who have the 'book writer' role enabled) that the wiki writer can use to control whether that page is publicly visible or not. Please use this feature to control when your page should be published.
The body section of a wiki page allows writers to use a simplified form of HTML tags to help them format their content. While the page 'Compose tips' (a link to this page is provided at the bottom of the "body" field in each wiki form) provides a detail description of each of the HTML tags supported by the Labdoo wiki system, in this section we provide additional information for some of the tags that are a bit more advanced.
Inserting images
As explained in the 'Compose tips', you can insert an image using the <img> tag. For instance, the following tag:
<img src="/profiles/labdoo/files/pictures/laptop.png" width="50"/>
generates this image:
To upload the actual image, follow the next steps:
Figure. Through the file management interface, you can upload images and files. If you are adding images for the wiki, please make sure to upload your content inside the folder 'content'. Inside the folder 'content', it is also recommended that you create more folders to help you organize further your images and files, while reusing existing folders if the content belongs to the same category. |
![]() |
Formatting figures in your wiki page
If you want to insert an image into your text, please follow the following format:
Here is an example:
<table align="center">
<em> Figure. This is the Labdoo logo.</em>
<img src="/profiles/labdoo/files/pictures/laptop.png" width="50"/>
Which is displayed as follows:
Figure. This is the Labdoo logo. |
![]() |
Inserting videos
You may insert videos using the following simple tag:
For a good description on how to insert videos please directly refer to the 'Compose tips' page under the 'Video Filter' section.
One of the goals of Labdoo is to break barriers so that education can reach out to all the regions of the world. A key to overcoming these barriers is the capability to write documents not just in one language but in as many as possible. To that end, the Labdoo wiki system provides a few simple functions facilitating the translation of any wiki doc into any other language. If you find a relevant wiki page or book that is not available in your language, we encourage you to take action and start a translation on your own.
Here are the steps to translate a wiki page or book:
若您想要在 Labdoo 網站內的頁面新增連結 (以一個維基百科連結為例),用以下字串表示相關路徑是很重要的:../
. 若您想要新增維基百科的連結,請看下列範例:
<a href="../content/creating-internal-links">An example link to this wiki page</a>
在連結前加入字串 ../
Labdoo 百科系統提供每頁的百科 版本控制。每當使用者編輯百科頁面,其更動將會被記錄。這能夠讓使用者在必要的時候,把百科頁面還原至之前的版本,或者查看其更動。