Edoovillage #2220 - Germany, München: Meaalofa Foundation


Status message

Traveling to this country and you would like to bring a laptop to this project? Reach out to Labdoo and we will help you make the difference.


Edoovillage #2220 - Germany, München: Meaalofa Foundation


Meaalofa Foundation
Elvirastraße 21
München , BY
48° 8' 53.2068" N, 11° 32' 37.536" E
Bayern DE
Project title: 
Meaalofa Foundation
Number of teachers: 
Number of students: 
On-site point of contact: 

Andreas Müller-Hermann

Project description: 

Meaalofa Foundation is an NGO based in Munich coordinating several refugee camps and refugee houses in Munich and in Greece.
Goal of the foundation is to give the possibility of a fresh start of refugees in Europe and make them possible to live on their own

Laptop and digital connection is a key in this development that's why this collaboration with Labdoo to get Laptops, Tables and other devices.

Fotos and more detailed information will be posted here as soon as available!
More Information will be found here:

This School is working together also with Ankaa Project in Athens (https://www.ankaaproject.org/).
They have a workshop for broken IT devices and are able to repair some devices like screens, batteries, etc
Broken devices will be sent here also after short evaluation from Labdoo helpers to be repaired and give a second life

Detailed Information about the foundation can be found in the files of this school (In German). Below a short abstract of it
Im November 2015 hatte ich zum ersten Mal die Insel Lesbos besucht. Die Lage dort war einfach „unglaublich“: 4.000 bis 7.000 Menschen kamen pro Tag auf der Insel an. Es fehlte an allem, besonders an Kleidung, Schuhen, Decken und Nahrung. Hilfe wurde nur von NGOs und Privatpersonen aus der ganzen Welt geleistet. Geschätzt waren um die Tausend Helfer aus circa 30 Ländern dauerhaft Tag und Nacht im Einsatz. Alle arbeiteten, unabhängig von ihrer Herkunft, sehr gut zusammen. Die Stimmung war einzigartig: Von allen staatlichen Stellen verlassen, zeigte die Zivilgesellschaft ihre tatsächliche Stärke. Die Hilfe funktionierte, es kamen unzählige Container mit Hilfsgütern aus ganz Europa auf Lesbos an, die dort professionell verteilt wurden. Es herrschte eine schwer beschreibbare Aufbruchstimmung. Es zeigte sich, dass Selbstermächtigung möglich ist und Probleme lösbar sind, sofern alle zusammenarbeiten, sich verantwortlich zeigen und kleinliche Differenzen beiseitelassen.
Das hat mich stark beeindruckt und bis heute beeinflusst. Mir war klar, dass ich irgendwie helfen wollte und so fing ich nach meiner Rückkehr nach München zusammen mit Freunden an, dringend benötigte Sachen für die Geflüchteten zu sammeln. Im Januar 2016 fuhren wir dann mit einem Konvoi aus Lastwagen und Sprintern mit Anhängern nach Lesbos, um alles Material dort abzuliefern. Da es auf der Insel auch an Transportkapazitäten mangelte, blieben wir eine Zeit und verteilten mit unseren Sprintern Waren auf der Insel. Dabei lernte ich viele NGOs kennen und verstand nach und nach besser, wie alles zusammenhing. Seitdem bin ich jedes Jahr, mit Ausnahme von 2020 (bedingt durch Covid) auf der Insel gewesen und habe dort verschieden Projekte unterstützt und auch immer weiter von Deutschland aus Material für Lesbos gesammelt und nach Lesbos verschickt. In 2018 habe ich dann zusammen mit einer französischen NGO das Projekt „Low-Tech with Refugees“ mitgegründet. Gegen Ende 2019 starte das Computerprojekt (siehe unten) und kurz darauf das Housing Projekt in Athen (siehe unten). Um die einzelnen Projekte besser koordinieren zu können und um auch Spendengelder und Sachspenden in größerem Umfang entgegen nehmen zu können, habe ich dann im Juni 2021 die NGO „Meaalofa Foundation gGmbH“ in München gegründet. Dort werden jetzt alle Aktivitäten unter einem „Dach“ zusammengefasst. Es gibt jetzt in München ein kleines Büro, ein kleines Lager und eine Halbtagsmitarbeiterin. In Athen gibt es auch ein kleines Büro mit Lagerraum und einen Fulltime-Angestellten. In Athen arbeitet meine Kollegin Joanna Tachmitzis ehrenamtlich seit Frühjahr 2020 Vollzeit und eine Lehramtsstudentin gibt halbtags Sprachunterricht für die Mitglieder unserer Unterstützungsgruppe. Seit Anfang Januar hat eine Sozialarbeiterin mit einer Fulltime Stelle in Athen angefangen zu arbeiten und unterstützt das Housing Projekt.

Partner Schools and similar work:

Yellow: first dootronics can be sent
Number of dootronics needed: 
Local language(s): 
English, German, French
Socket voltage: 
220-240 Volts
Internet connection type: 
Wired or Wireless
Date it was created: 20/01/22/
Date it was last updated: 14/03/23


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Dootronic ID Country Status Model Serial number Weight
000029651 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Compaq Mini CNF9364PSK
000029904 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used ACER KD1 NKI10130012510804E6501
000030049 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Apple iPad DMPJQEDZF192
000030659 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Sony Vaio C1044PSQ
000030884 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Dell Latitude E6400 CJVVZL1
000030991 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS P52F ACN0AS29615751B
000030994 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Samsung GT-N5110 RF2D70SQYRZ
000032503 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Toshiba Tecra R950 1D100772H 3.00Kgms
000033109 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Samsung Galaxy Tab RF2D30QDW0D
000033110 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Asus Transformer Book T100TA E3N0BC022061108
000033113 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Acer Aspire SW3-013 NTMX3EG0055217F4E47200
000033238 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Motorola One (XT1941-4) --
000033239 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Huawei Tablet --
000033240 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 --
000033241 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Asus K53S B9N0BC056450360
000033705 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Asus Laptop Tablet H9N0CX32D30639D
000033716 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used iMac 17Ä VM8348T0YE4
000033727 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used iMac 4,1 W8602HWMU2P
000033728 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used iMac 4,1 W8602HK2U2P
000033732 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used iMac 4,2 QT206A8TLF4
000033979 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS ROG G752VY-DH72 G3N0CY00E98818
000033988 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used HP No-Possible-To-Read
000033989 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo V320 PF19TTDE
000033990 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used MacBook A1278 C02G3LMYDH2G
000033991 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used iPad A1430 DMPHQTM2DVGH
000033992 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used iPad A1458 DMRJGH2HF182
000034031 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used iPad A1822 F9GTKTLZHLF9
000034032 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Toshiba Satellite L300-218 19531357Q
000034239 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu ESPRIMO P410 E85+ YLPV021742
000034240 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu ESPRIMO P410 E85+ YMEA096966
000034241 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu ESPRIMO P410 E85+ YLCM346153
000034242 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu ESPRIMO P410 E85+ YLCM346139
000034243 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Fujitsu ESPRIMO P410 E85+ YLTH185453
000034371 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Toshiba AT300-100 YC139443R
000034775 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo T430 PBX1M96
000034776 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo T430 PBDK59V
000034777 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo T430 PB5FHEL
000034778 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo T430 PBA8V3V
000034779 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo T430 PBL0KHF
000034780 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo T430 PBXIN23
000034781 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo T430 PBD7XDC
000034782 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo T430 PB68BN4
000034783 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo T430 PBD8KBX
000034784 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used HP CND6467V3B
000034901 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Sony PCG-3F1M C601FLQT
000035277 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Medion Akoya 914JY01DS0G01200ADHKS00
000036019 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Pro C02KX0UEDR53
000036020 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Pro TBD
000036021 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Pro C02JGDBZDR53
000036022 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Pro C02GCR5LDRJ7
000036023 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Pro C02JP2P8DR53
000036024 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Pro C02M40PKFH05
000036025 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Pro C02M6A3QFH01
000036905 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo ThinkPad PF-15W7N9
000036906 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo ThinkPad PF-15XGMN
000036908 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo ThinkPad R9-11SMZZ
000036909 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo ThinkPad PF-15W7PD
000036911 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo ThinkPad PF-1ZS0WT
000036912 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo ThinkPad PF-15XG5U
000036913 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo ThinkPad PF-15XFVQ
000036914 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo ThinkPad PF-1K3YJ8
000036915 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo ThinkPad PF-15XFVE
000036922 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS F555U FBN0CV64172347A
000036926 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air C1MQP2U1G943
000036927 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air C02R49RTH3QD
000036928 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air C1MR44LPG943
000036929 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air C17J2RKSDRVC
000036930 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air C1MQR3YUG943
000036931 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air FVFX816HJ1WT
000036932 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air FVFYC0D7J1WT
000036933 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air C1MRJ25KG943
000036934 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air FVFVPG2MJ1WT
000036935 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air C02M90JXF6TS
000036936 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air C02P929WG5RN
000036937 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air FVFVH0YEJ1WT
000036938 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air FVFTTHCRJ1WK
000036939 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air C1MRK1KBG943
000036940 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air C1MPW4YXG943
000036941 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air C1MV316QJ1WK
000036942 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air C1MQL181G943
000036943 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air C02HQHFYDRVC
000036944 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air C02P90TVG5RN
000036945 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air C02RC4X0H3QD
000036946 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air FVHYJWGN1WK
000036947 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air C02RM4ULH3QD
000036948 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air C02M90WBF6T5
000036949 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Air C02PJZQJG940
000036950 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Pro C02PK0X8G3QN
000036951 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Pro C02SM2P0G8WN
000036952 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Mini C07K10U2DWYN
000037140 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Toshiba Satellite L300 88817621Q
000037338 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used eMachines G730 Series LXN9M02030023B96CF2200
000038010 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Pro WQ845BZN1AQ
000038011 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Pro W80189FKATN
000038077 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS UX431F K4N0JX00M09617F
000038078 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS Ux410U H7N0CV0948
000041012 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Mac Book Pro W80242LKAGZ
000041435 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo Ideapad 320-151AP PF0STCKV
000041437 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo Ideapad 320-151AP PF0SU95W
000044071 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6730b CNU9259KDT


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Dootrip #DepartureOriginDestinationStatusCapacityDootronics assigned
Dootrip #0000022652022-01-21T12:00:00Munich, GermanyMunich, GermanyCompleted2046
Dootrip #0000027122022-07-31T16:45:00Munich, GermanyAthens, GreeceCompleted3044
Dootrip #0000029542022-11-11T13:00:00Munich, GermanyAthens, GreeceCompleted3010
Dootrip #0000039492024-01-26T09:00:00Munich, GermanyMunich, GermanyCompleted3026
Dootrip #0000034282023-09-01T18:30:00Berlin, GermanyYaounde, CameroonCompleted1515


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