Edoovillage #2234 - Nigeria, Lagos: KING CHUKS COLLEGE
Sarah Azah
The corona virus pandemic has changed the life style of the world and communication in which Africa Kids are affected the most, some of them have never touch nor seen a laptop. With this DIGITAL KIDS FOR FUTURE will help this kids to make the world a better place through digital system.
With the first project Sustaniable Women for Development e.V. is running addressing Mankon Native Language Literacy among Hearing and speech Impaired person in Mankon council of Bamenda (Cameroon): A sustainable inclusive pilot strategy for Disable persons , sponsored by Keeper of the Earth Foundation. As continuity and sustainability of the project. SWOD e.V: intends to expand its literacy training by developing the capacity of children in basic computer skills annually through which they can gain knowledge especially at this time. The beneficiaries are young boys and girls.
The DIGITAL KIDS FOR FUTURE program geared towards. Giving the opportunity to have full capacity in computer and other ICT tools so as to access education through the internet. To provide boys and girls in kingschuks schools and marginalized children with a remedial training on ICT . To promote child education rights by providing safe spaces for skills development through ICT. In KINGCHUKS COLLEGE they are 160 kids( both girls and boy) with only 1computer . We are going to have a ICT teachers who are going to organize workshops for the kids. After each workshop the laptops will be returned to the teachers who will keep them in the Computer room. Our main challenge at the moment is acquiring laptops/tablets that will be able to simultaneously train beneficiaries and help them achieve their goals.
[01.2023] + 15 Laptops
Date it was last updated: 28/03/23