Edoovillage #2408 - Togo, Klologo: Mittelschule | Kekeli Togo eV


Status message

Traveling to this country and you would like to bring a laptop to this project? Reach out to Labdoo and we will help you make the difference.


Edoovillage #2408 - Togo, Klologo: Mittelschule | Kekeli Togo eV


Mittelschule Klologo
6° 25' 20.2728" N, 1° 34' 26.7204" E
Project title: 
Mittelschule | Kekeli Togo eV
Number of teachers: 
Number of students: 
1 200
On-site point of contact: 

Dorfentwicklungs-Komitee Klologo
Comité Villageois pour le Développement de Klologo, CVD
Kossih Séraphin Bocco Gbidji

Project description: 

Wir planen, einen Schulraum der öffentlichen Mittelschule als IT-Raum zu etablieren; dort stehen die 50 Laptops jeweils einer Schulklasse für IT-Schulstunden zur Verfügung. Zugänglich ist der bei Nichtgebrauch abgesperrte Raum für Lehrende an Mittelschule und Gymnasium und ihre Schulklassen, sowie für weitere Verantwortlichen, die vom CVD ermächtigt sind, PC-Kurse abzuhalten.

Es soll eine möglichst breite Streuung entstehen an PC-Kenntnis unter den Jugendlichen.
Die Jugendlichen werden in den Umgang mit dem Laptop eingewiesen; die Schulung übernehmen PC-kundige Lehrer und Mitglieder des CVD. Kekeli Togo hat schon Grundkurse IT abgehalten; so sind einige junge Erwachsene schon PC-kundig.

Die Schulleiter von Mittelschule und Oberschule erstellen einen Belegungsplan.
Das Schulgebäude ist an das öffentliche Stromnetzt angeschlossen.

Kekeli Togo wird einen Drucker zur Verfügung stellen und hat schon einen Router geschickt.
Das Projekt wird von den Lehrern und Lehrerinnen sowie den Schulleitern und dem Partner CVD eng begleitet; die achtsame Behandlung und sachgemäße Verwendung der Laptops sind garantiert.

01/2025 Erweiterung des Projekts mit dem Neubau eines Aktivitäts- und Lesezentrum „Centre de Lecture et dˋ Activité de Klologo“ (CLACK) in Klologo. Dieses Gebäude ist mit Strom, Leinwand und Beamer ausgestattet und soll im laufe der Zeit mit weiteren Bildungsmaterialien ausgestattet werden. Ebenso ist hier Zugang zum Internet möglich.
Dieses Zentrum soll den Schülern und Schülerinnen auch außerhalb der Unterrichtszeit Zugang zu Bildung ermöglichen.

Kekeli Togo hat eine Kinderschutz-Policy, die auch von allen Verantwortlichen vor Ort unterschrieben wurde; dementsprechend werden ungeeignete Internet-Inhalte gesperrt.

Project application: 
Green: the rest of the dootronics can be sent
Number of dootronics needed: 
Local language(s): 
French, English
Internet connection type: 
Date it was created: 13/10/22/
Date it was last updated: 24/01/25


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Dootronic ID Country Status Model Serial number Weight
000034411 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Packard Bell EasyNote LX86 04306064325 3.00Kgms
000034428 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Acer N15Q2 NXMWJEG004608022CC7600 3.00Kgms
000034741 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Acer Aspire 6935G 90800808523 5.00Kgms
000037995 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Sony Vaio SVF152A29M 546331810001787 3.00Kgms
000038138 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Packard Bell P5WS0 LXBRF020131082B5B41601 3.00Kgms
000038165 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used HP EliteBook 840 5CG4510D3L 1.80Kgms
000038166 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS X5DIJ 13GNVK10M05X-3 2.70Kgms
000038167 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used packard bell PEW96 LXBQB02014032175F21601 2.10Kgms
000038168 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Acer Aspire E5-573 N15Q1 NXMVHEV0585460EB147600 2.20Kgms
000038194 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo G50-30 PF052A2M 3.00Kgms
000038200 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Acer Aspire 5552 PEW76 LXR44020870360CF0F1601 2.40Kgms
000038252 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Acer Aspire 7739Z LXRL702025202036E57200 2.70Kgms
000038267 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Sony Vaio PCG-6112M 282175645000183 2.00Kgms
000038268 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS R752L F9N0WU027537360 3.50Kgms
000038284 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Sony Vaio PCG-71211M 2740450-5005090 4.00Kgms
000038285 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo G570 4334 CB13174118 3.00Kgms
000038293 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Medion Akoya E6222 11APE2021283 3.00Kgms
000038305 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Dell Inspiron 15 BMSVWY1 3.00Kgms
000038307 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Sony Vaio PCG-71213M 275345675004710 3.00Kgms
000038319 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Toshiba Satellite M50D-A-10K 1E034271P 2.50Kgms
000038322 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used HP Pavilion dv7 - 1196eg CND8441WWH 4.00Kgms
000038337 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Medion Akoya E7214 914JE01DS1G028002G7KS00 5.00Kgms
000038338 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo ThinkPad X230 R9-WNDTX 1.60Kgms
000038342 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Aquado W76TH NKW765TH0000A03598 3.00Kgms
000038410 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo ideapad U330p QB08234237 1.60Kgms
000039388 Togo [T1] In transit going to an edoovillage Lenovo G50-30 PF0337F3 3.00Kgms
000039678 Togo [T1] In transit going to an edoovillage Terra Mobile 1547 NKW250HPQ001K05023 3.00Kgms
000040018 Togo [T1] In transit going to an edoovillage Lenovo 4446 L3-CDZ2H 09/06 3.00Kgms
000041950 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used HP EliteBook 850 G3 5CG6325N5V 2.50Kgms
000041951 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used HP EliteBook 850 G3 5CG7232779 2.50Kgms
000041952 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used HP EliteBook 850 G3 5CG8331XPS 2.50Kgms
000041953 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used HP EliteBook 850 G3 5CG8336SLN 2.50Kgms
000041954 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used HP EliteBook 850 G3 5CG7290V2J 2.50Kgms
000041955 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used HP EliteBook 850 G3 5CG72329HL 2.50Kgms
000041956 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used HP EliteBook 850 G3 5CG8333F52 2.50Kgms
000041958 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used HP EliteBook 850 G3 5CG61972H2 2.50Kgms
000041959 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used HP EliteBook 850 G3 5CG723265H 2.50Kgms
000041960 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used HP EliteBook 850 G3 5CG72326HG 2.50Kgms
000042088 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo Thinkpad L450 PF-09HYQU 2.50Kgms
000042089 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo Thinkpad L450 PF-09J0X3 2.50Kgms
000042100 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo Thinkpad L450 PF-09J0TC 2.50Kgms
000042102 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo Thinkpad L450 PF-09HWKJ 2.50Kgms
000042108 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo Thinkpad L450 PF-0BWS20 2.50Kgms
000042109 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo Thinkpad L450 PF-04TTJT 2.50Kgms
000042127 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo Thinkpad L460 PF-0HGTGP 2.50Kgms
000042162 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo Thinkpad L450 PF-0B77L9 2.50Kgms
000042197 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo Thinkpad L450 PF-0BW7A8 2.50Kgms
000042201 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo Thinkpad L460 PF-0LBZFG 2.50Kgms
000042431 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used HP EliteBook 850 G3 5CG63904LD 2.50Kgms
000042432 Togo [S4] Deployed and being used HP EliteBook 850 G3 5CG81424RD 2.50Kgms
000050383 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP Pro Book 650 G1 5CG52037PJ 2.75Kgms
000054689 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP ProBook 650 G1 CNU4159Z02 2.50Kgms
000054690 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP ProBook 650 G1 5CG428F75S 2.50Kgms
000054691 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP ProBook 650 G1 5CG5480Z4P 2.50Kgms
000054692 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP ProBook 650 G2 5CG81814K1 2.50Kgms
000054693 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP ProBook 650 G1 5CG5500VC1 2.50Kgms
000054695 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP ProBook 650 G1 5CG548043Q 2.50Kgms
000054706 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP ProBook 650 G1 5CG428F6NN 2.50Kgms
000054707 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP ProBook 650 G1 5CG428F6Y3 2.50Kgms
000054708 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP ProBook 650 G1 5CG5456ZGS 2.50Kgms
000054709 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP ProBook 650 G1 5CG428F6TR 2.50Kgms
000054843 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped DELL Lattitude E6520 19K96R1 3.00Kgms
000054845 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped Toshiba Satellite L50-C-21J 9F260403C 2.50Kgms
000054968 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped Acer Aspire V3-771 NXM20EG00223806 3.00Kgms
000054969 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped Acer E15 NXGCEEV018611080676600 3.00Kgms
000055529 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP ProBook 650 G1 CNU417B5C3 2.50Kgms
000055530 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP ProBook 650 G1 5CG428F6LK 2.50Kgms
000055531 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP ProBook 650 G1 5CG5480YVH 2.50Kgms
000055532 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP ProBook 650 G1 5CG428F6NY 2.50Kgms
000055533 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP ProBook 650 G1 5CG428F6MF 2.50Kgms
000055534 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP ProBook 650 G1 5CG426GB3L 2.50Kgms
000055663 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 850 G3 5CG729204F 2.50Kgms
000055666 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 850 G3 5CG6263HNN 2.50Kgms
000055667 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 850 G3 5CG72921MF 2.50Kgms
000055668 Germany [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 850 G3 5CG63904KZ 2.50Kgms


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Dootrip #DepartureOriginDestinationStatusCapacityDootronics assigned
Dootrip #0000028652022-12-16T12:30:00Hof, GermanyLome, TogoCompleted1718
Dootrip #0000028982022-12-16T12:00:00Münster, GermanyLome, TogoCompleted88
Dootrip #0000031802023-05-06T07:00:00Hof, GermanyLome, TogoCompleted2525


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