Ghana, Takoradi: Nkotompo Community Lab | Ghana Union Düsseldorf e.V.
4.1. Name: Rev. Fr. Francis Baffoe Davis
4.2. Phone: 00233 2088 227 43
4.3. Email:
The laptops will be very important to the pupils in the community. Currently, the Ghana Education Service has involved the study of Information Communication Technology into the Basic Schools curriculum. These computers when provided will empower the children to gain the technological skills to fit into the technological world.
2. Project Location: The laboratory premises is provided by Nkotompo Catholic Church. This church is located at Nkotompo, a town between Sekondi and Takoradi close to Effia-Nkwanta Hospital in the Western Region of Ghana.
Nkotompo is a sloping area, the computer lab and the church premises are on top of the hill. From Nkotompo car station is a matter of asking anyone where to find Catholic church Premises. There is only one catholic church in the town.
Date it was last updated: 10/11/18