Written and illustrated by a 15-year-old student, the Labdoo Comic tells an incredible story of how we are all connected by an invisible network of favors that are paid forward. While the connection between the story's protagonists, Felix and Maxim, may seem unbelievable, it is very real. Every day at Labdoo, similar stories unfold, with thousands of people performing small acts of kindness to help provide access to education for children around the world. You, too, can join Labdoo and be part of this inspiring movement!
The Labdoo comic is being translated into many languages and is freely available to everyone. You can download it from the following links. A special thank you to everyone who is making this project possible without expecting anything in return, including the main author, editors, translators, and many others.
List of Labdoo Comics available by language: Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, English, Euskera, French, Galician, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Swahili.
Labdoo Comic in Arabic:
Labdoo Comic in Catalan:
Labdoo Comic in Chinese:
Labdoo Comic in English:
Labdoo Comic in Euskera:
Labdoo Comic in French:
Labdoo Comic in Galician:
Labdoo Comic in German:
Labdoo Comic in Italian:
Labdoo Comic in Japanese:
Labdoo Comic in Korean:
Labdoo Comic in Spanish:
Labdoo Comic in Swahili: