i feel that we create an unnecessary volume of wasted paper if we print just one tag of one laptop on one page.
this might not be a challenge for individual taggers but for hubs who tag and sanitize many laptops it is a waste of time, paper and hence precious resources.
my suggestion is to add some type of functionality where one can either enter manually all the tag numbers of laptops where we want to print tags or we select a list of laptops via standard search and in there mark the ones where tags need to be printed.
if all is marked or entered then there should be a print button so all tags get printed on a single page or multiple pages.
either way would work for me.
best wishes, frank
labdoo hub zurich
Hi Frank,
Hi Frank,
if your printer has a feeder for single sheets you can use this option to print up to 5 times tags on a A4 paper. If you cut off the part with the tags an A4 paper (or A in US) gets smaller and smaller each time. So no software modification is needed, just use the possibility of your printer. After printing tags for 4 laptops from an A4 sheet a small part is left to be used for notes. So nothing has to be wasted.
I admit - if your printer does not have a single sheet feeder this suggestion does not work ;)
Any new feature on this
Any new feature on this subject? We now have ths problem too, fortunately!
Hello Elena,
Hello Elena,
this topic was already resolved in a different thread
maybe it is still missing the "fancy" form, but if you concatenate in the url the 5 Laptop IDs like in the example:
will work
Correct, the fancy feature is
Correct, the fancy feature is still missing, but you can easily concatenate multiple IDs in the same URL, as Javier explains.