project name mandatory



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Feature request

It seems possible not to enter an edoovillages name, but still being able to create this edoovillage. See for example in Ghana there are 3 projects from hub Baden without a name.

Can you please make the project name / title mandatory?

And can you filter for projects without name and ask the hubs, being responsible for those, to add a title? Thanks.


Аватар пользователя jordi
Опубликовано сб, 10/01/2016 - 17:04 пользователем jordi

Sorry for the delay on this Ralf.

The title of an edoovillage is already mandatory, see that it has a * sign next to it:

This edoovillage ( dates from before 2.0 update:
Date it was created: 20/01/13/
Date it was last updated: 31/05/15

This appears to be a case of some metadata being lost during update to 2.0. It should not have happened as the update process was tested many times to ensure that information (specially such important info) is preserved, but it's the only explanation i have that for some reason some ad hoc nodes missed some metadata.

Fortunately we do not see this except for some rare cases. The only solution is to manually fix this when we encounter them. Going forward this should not be a problem since this field is mandatory (and from now on we should not need to do such a huge update as we did from 1.0 to 2.0 as 2.0 is more modular)

Could you please ask hub Baden to update the title of these edoovillages?

I will also let other hub managers to do the same if i find any other instance of this. Thanks.