Labdoo Hub Auckland



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Dootronic ID Страна Статус Model Serial number Weight
000030349 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG5141HTD
000030350 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG5272VKV
000030351 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 CNU41490N3
000030352 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG5272V0R
000030353 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG5141HPF
000030354 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG5141HQQ
000030355 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG52664B9
000030356 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG5518VTQ
000030357 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG5425HDM
000030358 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG5425GZ2
000030359 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG4391TMM
000030360 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG4473KSD
000030361 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG4504M0R
000030362 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG526643K
000030364 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG5272VXQ
000030365 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG61628T9
000030366 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG5141J75
000030367 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG52664FM
000030368 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG5272V8R
000030369 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG5272WMB
000030370 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG4504M2W
000030372 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG5272TZX
000030373 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG5518VB4
000030374 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook 840 5CG4504M3X
000030375 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook Folio 9470m CNU411BDBF
000030376 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook Folio 9470m CNU3369804
000030377 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook Folio 9470m CNU347B2S4
000030378 New Zealand [S3] Assigned to an edoovillage, waiting to be shipped HP EliteBook Folio 9470m CNU3179SHT
000031431 New Zealand [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701SL
000031432 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701NV
000031433 New Zealand [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21005HL
000031434 New Zealand [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701PK
000031435 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21005H9
000031436 New Zealand [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21406LF
000031437 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21405KM
000031438 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701MZ
000031439 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21406LC
000031440 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701ND
000031441 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21005F4
000031442 New Zealand [S0] Tagged with a Labdoo ID HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701R3
000031443 New Zealand [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701QK
000031444 New Zealand [S5] Waiting to be repaired or recycled HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701QV
000031445 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21406LG
000031446 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21405KZ
000031447 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21005HP
000031448 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21406LN
000031449 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21005F0
000031450 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21405KV
000031451 New Zealand [S0] Tagged with a Labdoo ID HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21707NX
000031452 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21405KW
000031453 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21406LP
000031454 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701R5
000031455 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21405KS
000031456 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21002CP
000031457 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21406LR
000031458 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21005GV
000031459 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21005GX
000031460 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21005FR
000031461 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21005FN
000031462 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21005FC
000031463 New Zealand [S0] Tagged with a Labdoo ID HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21045KL
000031464 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21405KK
000031465 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21406LQ
000031466 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701PM
000031467 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701SD
000031468 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701QZ
000031469 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21005G9
000031470 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21005HH
000031471 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701MY
000031472 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD20806L6
000031473 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701S2
000031474 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21405KY
000031475 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21005FW
000031476 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21005G2
000031477 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21005GG
000031478 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701RQ
000031479 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701RP
000031480 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21005F5
000031481 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21005F3
000031482 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701QW
000031483 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701QC
000031484 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701Q7
000031485 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701NT
000031486 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701PF
000031487 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701LX
000031488 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD20806LP
000031489 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701LR
000031490 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701RN
000031491 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701S7
000031492 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701S9
000031493 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701NQ
000031494 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701Q9
000031495 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701QL
000031496 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701RD
000031497 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701P3
000031498 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21701M5
000031499 New Zealand [S0] Tagged with a Labdoo ID HP Compaq 6200 Pro Small Form Factor AUD21005FD
000031500 New Zealand [S0] Tagged with a Labdoo ID LG Mdisk RC344BKN21123500115
000031501 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP COMPAQ LE2002xm Monitor CNC20909YV
000031502 Tonga [S4] Deployed and being used HP COMPAQ LE2002xm Monitor CNC20909ZZ


Auckland is the city of many lovers, according to its Māori name, Tāmaki Makaurau. Whether it’s the ruggedly beautiful west-coast beaches, or the glistening Hauraki Gulf with its myriad islands, the water's never far away. And within an hour’s drive from the city's heart, there are dense tracts of rainforest, thermal springs, wineries and wildlife reserves.

New Zealand is ridiculously scenic and Auckland is no different with breathtaking views of shimmering expanses of blue water punctuated with green bush-covered volcanic islands on the horizon. It is one Kodak moment after another, a relief from the urban scene of haphazard architecture that ranges from sweet bungalows to ugly state-provided low income houses to high-rise apartment buildings trying too hard to be "cool". The economic boom is evident everywhere with previously-rundown industrial areas now peppered with trendy cafés, farmers' markets, and artisanal restaurants where the waiters are named AJ.

My days usually start with a hike or run with Auckland Labdoo mascot, Mika, whose sweet gentle nature is only ever broken by the excited anticipation of reading the latest story from the Labdoo community.



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