Feature request
Hi Jordi,
sorry, the data protection law causes much work. As I understood today, we have to touch each YouTube video and add a new plug-in code to our homepage and wikis.
You have to proceed as follows (if change has to be done manually):
- open one of your YouTube videos
- share / teilen -> embedded / einbetten -> mark "active advanced data protection mode / Erweiterten Datenschutzmodus aktivieren"
this will bring up a new code shown in the top of the same window - e.g. for our German explanatory video I got this new code
Now my question, how to add that to our wiki pages?
Do I copy&paste this code and replace the former code
Or is the new code
As I am not so deep in Drupal and HTML I want to clarify first, before going through all wiki pages manually.
Or is there a way to do this job by a script? Find all "video:" codes and replace it, if they are to YouTube? Very much appreciated.
Thank you.
Thank you Ralf. I will work
Thank you Ralf. I will work on a new codec for videos to support the "no-cookies" mode.
YouTube compliance for GDPR
YouTube compliance for GDPR is now implemented. I will send a message to the coffee team explaining how to use the nocookies codec.