Image: /media/labdoo 0 umount: /tmp/local-dev: no mount point specified. umount: /home/partimag: no mount point specified. rm: cannot remove '/home/partimag': No such file or directory Setting the TERM as linux Starting /usr/sbin/ocs-sr at 1970-01-14 20:10:45 CET... *****************************************************. Clonezilla image dir: /home/partimag *****************************************************. *****************************************************. Target disk nvme0n1 does not exist in the image saved from disk(s) "sda". Creating a tmp Clonezilla image "UEFI-tmp-cnvted" based on the image "UEFI" so that we can restore the image UEFI (was saved from sda) to nvme0n1... ///NOTE/// If the restored OS is GNU/Linux, you might have to modify /etc/fstab and grub config file in the restored GNU/Linux to affect these changes so that it can boot successfully! Creating a temporary image based on image UEFI... /home/partimag/UEFI/sda2* was not found! Skip this! Setting the TERM as linux clonezilla image dir: /tmp Change sda to nvme0n1 in /tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/disk... done! Change sda to nvme0n1 in /tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/sda-pt.parted... done! Change sda to nvme0n1 in /tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/sda-pt.parted.compact... done! Change sda to nvme0n1 in /tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/parts... done! Change sda to nvme0n1 in /tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/sda-pt.sf... done! renamed '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/sda-chs.sf' -> '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1-chs.sf' renamed '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/sda-gpt-1st' -> '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1-gpt-1st' renamed '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/sda-gpt-2nd' -> '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1-gpt-2nd' renamed '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/sda-gpt.gdisk' -> '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1-gpt.gdisk' renamed '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/sda-gpt.sgdisk' -> '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1-gpt.sgdisk' renamed '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/sda-mbr' -> '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1-mbr' renamed '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/sda-pt.parted' -> '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1-pt.parted' renamed '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/sda-pt.parted.compact' -> '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1-pt.parted.compact' renamed '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/sda-pt.sf' -> '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1-pt.sf' renamed '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/sda1.vfat-ptcl-img.gz.aa' -> '/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1p1.vfat-ptcl-img.gz.aa' The created image is "/tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted". Activating the partition info in /proc... done! Creating partition in /dev/nvme0n1... Excluding busy partition or disk... Unmounted partitions (including extended or swap): Collecting info. done! Trying to clean the MBR and GPT partition table on the destination disk first: /dev/nvme0n1 Informing the OS of partition table changes... done! *****************************************************. Running: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/nvme0n1 bs=512 count=1 1+0 records in 1+0 records out 512 bytes copied, 0.000933149 s, 549 kB/s *****************************************************. Error: /dev/nvme0n1: unrecognised disk label Create the proportional partition table in /dev/nvme0n1 based on /tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1-pt.sf and the size of /dev/nvme0n1... Running: EXTRA_SFDISK_OPT="--force --wipe always" ocs-expand-gpt-pt -icds --batch /tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1-pt.sf /dev/nvme0n1 2>&1 Error: /dev/nvme0n1: unrecognised disk label No initial GPT table on disk /dev/nvme0n1. Create one now by: parted -s /dev/nvme0n1 mklabel gpt Size of original disk: 488397168 sectors. Size of target disk : 61279344 sectors. The ratio for target disk size to original disk size is .1254703098. "EFI System partition" found. Not to expand this partition. The calculated size of /dev/nvme0n1p2 is < 0! Unable to create a smaller partitions layout. Program terminated!! This was done by EXTRA_SFDISK_OPT="--force --wipe always" ocs-expand-gpt-pt -icds --batch /tmp/UEFI-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1-pt.sf /dev/nvme0n1 2>&1 Failed to create a partition table on this disk: /dev/nvme0n1 Is this disk too small: /dev/nvme0n1? Program terminated!! umount: /mnt: not mounted. umount: /tmp/local-dev: no mount point specified. umount: /home/partimag: not mounted. umount: /tmp/local-dev: no mount point specified. umount: /home/partimag: no mount point specified. rm: cannot remove '/home/partimag': No such file or directory Setting the TERM as linux Starting /usr/sbin/ocs-sr at 1970-01-14 20:10:56 CET... *****************************************************. Clonezilla image dir: /home/partimag *****************************************************. Do NOT create partition table on the client harddisk! Do NOT restore the MBR on the client! *****************************************************. Do NOT create partition table on the client harddisk! Do NOT restore the MBR on the client! Target disk nvme0n1 does not exist in the image saved from disk(s) "sda". Creating a tmp Clonezilla image "PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted" based on the image "PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40" so that we can restore the image PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40 (was saved from sda) to nvme0n1... ///NOTE/// If the restored OS is GNU/Linux, you might have to modify /etc/fstab and grub config file in the restored GNU/Linux to affect these changes so that it can boot successfully! Creating a temporary image based on image PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40... Setting the TERM as linux clonezilla image dir: /tmp Change sda to nvme0n1 in /tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/disk... done! Change sda to nvme0n1 in /tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/sda-pt.parted... done! Change sda to nvme0n1 in /tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/sda-pt.parted.compact... done! Change sda to nvme0n1 in /tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/parts... done! Change sda to nvme0n1 in /tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/sda-pt.sf... done! renamed '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/sda-chs.sf' -> '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1-chs.sf' renamed '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/sda-hidden-data-after-mbr' -> '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1-hidden-data-after-mbr' renamed '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/sda-mbr' -> '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1-mbr' renamed '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/sda-pt.parted' -> '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1-pt.parted' renamed '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/sda-pt.parted.compact' -> '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1-pt.parted.compact' renamed '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/sda-pt.sf' -> '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1-pt.sf' renamed '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/sda1.ext4-ptcl-img.gz.aa' -> '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1p1.ext4-ptcl-img.gz.aa' renamed '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/sda1.ext4-ptcl-img.gz.ab' -> '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/nvme0n1p1.ext4-ptcl-img.gz.ab' renamed '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/' -> '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/' renamed '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/' -> '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/' renamed '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/' -> '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/' renamed '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/' -> '/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted/' The created image is "/tmp/PAE64_20_04_LTS_CAT_40-tmp-cnvted". Activating the partition info in /proc... done! Restoring partition /dev/nvme0n1p2... Unable to find target partition "nvme0n1p2". *****************************************************. The disk and partition in this system: major minor #blocks name 1 0 16384 ram0 1 1 16384 ram1 1 2 16384 ram2 1 3 16384 ram3 1 4 16384 ram4 1 5 16384 ram5 1 6 16384 ram6 1 7 16384 ram7 1 8 16384 ram8 1 9 16384 ram9 1 10 16384 ram10 1 11 16384 ram11 1 12 16384 ram12 1 13 16384 ram13 1 14 16384 ram14 1 15 16384 ram15 7 0 1065428 loop0 259 0 245117376 nvme0n1 8 0 15155200 sda 8 1 15154159 sda1 8 16 976762584 sdb 8 17 976760832 sdb1 *****************************************************. Check if the partition nvme0n1p2 really exists, otherwise maybe the kernel is too old. Program terminated!. Press "Enter" to continue......