Labdoo Laptop Request Form Requester Information: ====================== Your Name: in Bosnia: Enes Dzanic, president of the organisation in Germany: Amira Bieber Your Email Address: in Bosnia: in Germany: Your Organization : Bundesdachverband Merhamet Deutschland e.V. Organization Website: in Bosnia: in Germany: Project Site: ============= 1. Project Summary: Project called "Kinderkarawane" (childred caravan) is focused on children in Bosnia and Herzegovina who live at the margins of society. Most of them live in refugee camps. Another are handicap or terminally ill. Children caravan gives them a hope for a better life, let them smile and enjoy their childhood at least for the day. We bring them different stuff, depending of their needs and the donations we get. We drive twice a year to different locations and donate the stuff with clowns and music. Our locations this year are two refugee camps near Tuzla/Bosnia and an organization for handicap children in Srebrenik/Bosnia. Laptops we need this time would be for the use by the children and the staff. They can not be used by the children themselve and alone, due to their health. Also the social worker and therapeut who prepare projects, administration and prepare lessons need the laptops. With the laptops we can offer the children learning lessons, multimedia support and other help, which otherwise would not be possible. Only with this donation they would be able to continue their very important work, because this organisation is the only place for social intergration of these children. 2. Project Location: Srebrenik/Bosnia and Hercegowina 3. On-site Point of Contact Name: Enes Dzanic, president of the organisation 4. Contact Information (please provide at least one way to contact): 4.1. Phone: 00387 35 645 914 4.2. Email: 4.3. Physical address: Udruzenje Gradjana penzionera – civilnih invalida I i II kategorije Opcine Srebrenik, Mese Selimovica bb Srebrenik 75300 5. Number of Laptops Needed: 3 (laptops are needed for the social worker being in charge of the tuition and aplication for projects) 6. Number of students: depending on the site we are visiting (usually smaller groups or "1 to 1" sessions (1 therapeuth,1 child, 1 laptop) 7. Number of teachers: 3 8. Electricity in the room: yes, there is normal electricity in the room. Standards are like in Germany 9. Does the room have access to the Internet? yes 9.1. Is the access via wireless or cable? cable 10. Conditions about the room where the laptops will be installed: 10.1. Is the room secure? yes 10.2. Can the room be locked in a way that the supervisors (e.g. teachers) can control access? yes 10.3. Is the room weather-proof? (e.g. does the room protect the laptops from rain, sand, etc?) yes *** Upon Acceptance, the requester will need to read and agree with the "Labdoo Laptop Recipient Agreement"