Project Site: -------------------------------- 1. Project title or name of your school, project, or NGO - A short title or description for your project(*): Förderung der digitalen Kompetenz für Migrantinnen - Promoting digital skills for migrant women 2. Project Description - Please explain about your project and how you will use the laptops (*): Januam opens up a world of opportunities for young people with migration experience through skill-based group mentoring programmes, promotes sustainable inclusion and strengthens social cohesion through innovative programmes - where doors to friendships, new experiences and a home are wide open. As part of our goals, Januam promotes networking and integration through its projects, especially for families, young adults and adults. As part of the Hessian state programme "WIR", we offer a free course aimed at supporting women with limited or no digital skills. Our aim is to empower these women to independently search for housing or job offers, make online applications and improve their language skills with the help of online resources. The course covers the following topics: - Computer technology basics - Desktop and file management - Internet use and online communication - Printing techniques - Practical applications and final exercises Our aim is to provide migrant women with the best possible support as they start a new life in Germany. We would be very pleased if you could pass this information on to potentially interested women in your organisation. Enclosed you will find our flyer with further details about the course. 3. Number of students(*): Insgesamt 32 Teilnehmer, am jeden Kurs 8 Teilnehmer 4. Number of teachers(*): 2-3 5. Claimed IT equipments (*): 10 Laptops brauchen wir für dieses Projekt, weil die Teilnehmende kein Laptops haben. 5.1 Number of Laptops needed(*): 10 5.2 Number of eBook Reader needed: 5.3 Others needed (Tablet-PCs etc): 5.4 Additional comments: 6. On Site Contact Information / project manager. Please provide at least one way to contact (*): 6.1 Full Name(*): Serkan Tezgel 6.2 Phone(*): 017676642122 6.3 Email(*): 6.4 Physical address of Organization (street, city, zip code, country...)(): Rheinstraße 40-42, 64283, Darmstadt 6.5 GPS coordinates (click the link to find the coordinates: or (*): 49.87166217815591, 8.644061996577596 7. Language 7.1 Local / Preferred language(s)(*): German 7.2 Additional information about language(s): - 8. Project Location - street, city, state/province, country, zip code(*): Grafenstraße 31, 64283 Darmstadt (BeWo e.V., 3. Etage) 9. Access to Internet(*)? 9.1 Access to internet (yes/no) Yes 9.2 Wired/cable (yes/no) No 9.3 Wireless (yes/no) Yes 10. Conditions about the room where the laptops will be installed: 10.1 Is the room secure? [yes / no + brief explanation]: Yes, the rooms are secure and locked. 10.2 Can the room be locked in a way that the supervisors (e.g. teachers) can control access? [yes / no + brief explanation]: Yes, the rooms are secure and locked. 10.3. Is the room weather-proof? (e.g. does the room protect the laptops from rain, sand, etc?) [yes / no + brief explanation]:Yes 11. How did you hear about Labdoo?: Search Engine (e.g. Google) 12. Picture(s) of the school, students, teacher, etc with this Request Form. Please send as file(s) (*): I attached the approval email of the project. After the first implementation we will provide the fotos at the end of August.