Labdoo Laptop Request Form Rev. 001 Requester Information: Your Name: Mrashani Kiiza Your Email Address: Your Organization: CBOs-Karagwe Changamoto(KC) Organization Website: You Labdoo account user name: Mrashani Kiiza (this is needed so that Labdoo can assign laptops to your project--registration can be done here: Project title: (EMPOWERED YOUNG PEOPLE ABLE TO DETERMINE THEIR DESTINEY) Project Site: ============= 1. Project Summary :( Please provide a brief statement about the purpose that the laptops will serve in your project site.) We are give knowledge ICT for young children who dropped out from school. As Community base organization working to contribute to the reduction of teenage pregnancies among 1,000 students ages 13 to 18 per year in 10 secondary schools using behavior change process (BCP), and economically empower 100 young people ages 14 to 20 per year who dropped out of school to live a life free of coercion, discrimination and gender-based violence (GBV). Not only that we aim to involve child of 4 to 7years old to ICT Training for computer knowledge at medium schools level private sector and Government. The project focuses on empowering school girls on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and also provide knowledge on Sexual Reproductive Health and life skills through safe space creation, Mentorship and coaching as means to increase girls excellence in education, and reducing early pregnancies and transmission of STIs, The project deploys peer led but teacher supported in school programs with tailor made package which also cover formation of school clubs. Statement of the Problem Only 26% of girls in Tanzania go to secondary schools and among them only 3% makes it to terrestrial education. In the academic year 2014/15 for instance total of 41955 students was successful admitted to 31 public universities across the country, wonderful enough only 34% of that total was girls. Most Adolescent Secondary school girls in Tanzania are not encouraged to take Science Technology Engineering and Mathematic either by their community or culture, lack confidence, lack sufficient knowledge on Sexual Reproductive Health, and life skills. Project is initiated purposely to awaken and empower this generation of girls and boys not only to be consumers of science and technology but also its producers, but further more to support them to reach their full potential and work against marginalization. Main Objective/goal To increase number of girls who are brave, curious and pursuing science subjects in 10 medium primary schools and secondary school by the end of the project period. Specific Objectives/goal i. Empower girls on the use and production of technology ii. Increase girls awareness on sexual reproductive health Expected Results (By the end of the project the following results are expected) i. Brave, Curious, and Health girls who are also inspired to take up Science subjects ii. Beneficiaries seek out leadership opportunities iii. Increased number of girls taking interest in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics iv. Girls performance in science subject increased v. Decreased number of early pregnancies at school vi. Positive and shifting altitude towards women demonstrated by the community. Project description – implementation process 1 Startup The process will start with introducing the project to local authorities in the implementation sites. This will include meeting Ward Executive Officers (WEO) through WDCs, Head Masters in respective Schools. In these meetings stakeholders will be familiarized with the project’s objectives, expected results and target community. Courtesy calls will also be made at district level involving the DCs and DEDs offices while the project will seek practical and technical support from the Community Development Officers available at all levels in the implementation sites. 2 Identification of Participants The targeted beneficiaries i.e. adolescent girls will be approached through general school sensitizations in their respective schools; and in close collaboration with their teachers. Specific girls will be identified. They will then be mobilized and encouraged to participate in the project as primary beneficiaries. These girls will then be organized into Clubs (batches) each with 50 participants, making four batches per school (Total 100) in the entire project area. 3 Training Package The core of the program is an intensive two-year ICT, SRH and life skills training course. Classes are based on the PROJECT Curriculum and are taught after school by part-time selected community members called PROJECT Mentors, all of whom are university educated Tanzanian women. During the weekly, one-hour interactive PROJECT Class, the Mentors become trusted adult role models who understand the challenges each individual PROJECT Scholar faces. PROJECT Mentors teach ICT skills, reproductive health, human rights, personal leadership, public speaking, advocacy, personal finance and provide career guidance. These Classes gives girls a safe space to better understand themselves and their life goals, the confidence to challenge the discrimination they often face as young women, and the skills to become powerful leaders in their communities. Classes also help Scholars to form a solid foundation of professional skills especially in STEM, which make them better prepared to enter the workforce. PROJECT Classes are amplified by a range of extra-curricular and support activities. 4 Methodologies Two teachers will be identified and act as guardians or school focal point persons, and each club will have their own student supervisors who will be in charge of maintain order and making sure the club runs smoothly. There will be a range of eight topics tabled in eight months concerning with STEM, life skills and sexual reproductive health each club under the club (mentor) supervision will discuss the topic for three weeks while in the last week of the month outside visitors will visit and share their testimonies and inspirational stories and ideas to the girls. 5 Supportive supervision Monitoring and Evaluation is the key aspect in this project because of the Result Based Management approach which we are going to use. Indicators towards achieving the outcomes will be developed and targets will be set. Monitoring and Evaluation plan will be developed to enable day today monitoring, evaluation and re-planning where possible. Tools will be developed to capture the type of information needed from the field and this will be used in all field trips by the project team. The tools will capture all the aspects of the project to enable measuring of impact and progress. Since the project involves adolescent school girls and other stakeholders, the project will conduct participatory monitoring and evaluation at quarterly basis. Spot checks from time to time will be done by our management and members while AGM will have their own arrangements for follow ups. All results from monitoring and evaluation trips will be used for planning, re planning, dissemination, advocacy and staff & management meetings. The project implementation will be shared through reports (Monthly, quarterly, and annually) to all stakeholders including the local government. Other avenues for sharing information will be meetings, workshops, training and media. 2. Project Location: Ngara district, Kagera. Tanzania. 3. Preferred language(s): English and Swahili 4. On Site Contact Information (please provide at least one way to contact): 4.1. Name: Mrashani Kiiza 4.2. Phone: +255 768 516 512/ +255 620 772 118 4.3. Email: 4.4. Physical addresses (Street Benako Road, City Kagera, Zip Code 00028, Country Tanzania) 4.5. GPS coordinates (if you know them or if you can find them out): 5. Claimed IT equipement Number of Laptops needed: 25 Number of eBook Reader needed: 5 Others needed (Tablet-PCs etc): 10 6. Number of students: 100 7. Number of teachers: 4 8. Electricity in the room: (Voltage and plug 220.240 Volts/socket type, A, D e.g. types A, B, C, D, etc. see following link for explanation of types: 9. Does the room have access to the Internet? [Yes] 9.1. Is the access via wireless or cable? Both 10. Conditions about the room where the laptops will be installed: 10.1. Is the room secure? [Yes + brief explanation] Fire extinguishers, security guide around and trained 10.2. Can the room be locked in a way that the supervisors (e.g. teachers) can control access? [Yes + brief explanation] LOCKED and keys handles to office and signed key log book. 10.3. Is the room weather-proof? (E.g. does the room protect the laptops from rain, sand, etc?) [Yes + brief explanation] With roofing sheets and aluminums window and doors. ***The solicitation of a Labdoo laptop request implies that, upon receiving the laptops, the recipient agrees with the "Labdoo Laptop Recipient Agreement". Labdoo Laptop Recipient Agreement: ==================================== Dear Laptop receiver: We are very pleased to have the opportunity to contribute to your project by providing technology to help bridge the digital divide. With every right come responsibilities. Technology, when adequately used, can provide very powerful means to aid those that are Most in need. But if used improperly, it can also damage our environment. By receiving the above items, you are automatically a accepting to abide by the following Labdoo global responsibilities: (1) The items received will be used only for the purpose described by your organization at the time you solicited this donation. If you intend to use it for a different purpose, you will contact first the Labdoo team at (2) In the case that an incidence occurs to any of the received items, you will contact the Labdoo team at, Including in your email the tagging number of the item(s) related to the incidence and a brief explanation. The following Incidences must always be reported: (2.1) at the end of life of any of the received items, so that the item can be properly recycled. (2.2) When an item breaks, malfunctions or any change in its status. (3) Every six months, please send an email to with the list of laptops that you have and their status (working or not working). (4) Labdoo laptops are offered for free to you for education purposes. In return, you agree to not use the laptops for commercial Reasons and you agree not to charge any fee for the usage of the laptops. (5) By returning this form filled in, the solicitor confirms owning all rights on sent materials (current or in the future) submitted to and allowing such content to be publicly available from In addition, the solicitor confirms having approval for taking pictures of the children and/or any person benefiting from Labdoo laptops, tablets or any Labdoo donations, from their parents and/or legal guardians. explicitly points to the fact that sent materials and pictures/photos may be used online and/or offline, and hence that they can be accessed by third parties, and that such pictures are used to help preserve the transparency and accountability of the projects. We thank you for your commitment to make our world a better place and we wish you best of luck in your humanitarian mission. The Labdoo Team.