Labdoo Laptop Request Form Rev. 001 Requester Information: ====================== Your Name: Mr. Mustafa S. Mushi Your Email Address: kivi­ Your Organization : Kilimanjaro Vicoba Network (KIVINET) Organization Website: You Labdoo account user name: / Mustafa Mushi Project title: Kilimanjaro Vicoba Network (KIVINET) Project Site: ============= 1. Project Summary: The laptops will be used to support the collaboration and the training of the Village Community Banks, the coordinators, the trainers, the leaders and the members with the objective of providing microcredit and social/medical insurance to more people in the whole Kilimanjaro region. Most of the members, trainers and leaders are young entrepreneurs, who just started to build up a own small-scale business. The youth is trained trained with basic entrepreneurial skills, the usage of computer and modern bookkeeping software by the older ones. For the youth and especially young women living in remote areas, building a own small-scale business is the only way to escape their poverty. Additionally, helping sustainable small businesses to grow will benefit the village community as a whole as it enables entrepreneurs to provide paid employment. To achieve these goals KIVINET provides the structure for the Village Community Banks and all the training for free. The trainings are held by older members voluntarily. At the moment there is need for training in leadership, bookkeeping software and entrepreneurship for more than 15000 people in total. Between the trainings the laptops do not remain unused, since they will also help to improve communication between the coordinators and the headquarter. This changes on Kivinets procedures will certainly have a positive effect on the youth. 2. Project Location: Kilimanjaro region (Headquarter: Moshi Urban) 3. Preferred language(s): English, Swahili 4. On Site Contact Information (please provide at least one way to contact): 4.1. Name: Mustafa S. Mushi 4.2. Phone: +255 762 999 432 4.3. Email: 4.4. Physical address (street, city, zip code, country...): VODA-HOUSE, 3rd floor, Room No. 321, Moshi Urban, Kilimanjaro 4.5. GPS coordinates (if you know them or if you can find them out): / 5. Claimed IT equipement Number of Laptops needed: Number of eBook Reader needed: 0 Others needed (Tablet-PCs etc): 0 6. Number of students: 15033 (1,600 Leadership Training + 800 Bookkeeping Training + 12000 Entrepreneurship skills training to ViCoBa members, 1633 computer training) 7. Number of teachers: 37 8. Electricity in the rooms: (Voltage and plug/socket type, e.g. type A, B, C, D, etc. see following link for explanation of types: 220V, English 3-pin-socket 9. Does the room have access to the Internet? YES (Mobile Data) 9.1. Is the access via wireless or cable? Wireless, UMTS-Sticks 10. Conditions about the room where the laptops will be installed: 10.1. Is the room secure? YES 10.2. Can the room be locked in a way that the supervisors (e.g. teachers) can control access? YES 10.3. Is the room weather-proof? YES ***The solicitation of a Labdoo laptop request implies that, upon receiving the laptops, the recipient agrees with the "Labdoo Laptop Recipient Agreement". Labdoo Laptop Recipient Agreement: ==================================== Dear Laptop receiver: We are very pleased to have the opportunity to contribute to your project by providing technology to help bridge the digital divide. With every right comes responsibilities. Technology, when adequately used, can provide very powerful means to aid those that are most in need. But if used improperly, it can also damage our environment. By receiving the above items, you are automatically a ccepting to abide by the following Labdoo global responsibilities: (1) The items received will be used only for the purpose described by your organization at the time you solicited this donation. If you intend to use it for a different purpose, you will contact first the Labdoo team at (2) In the case that an incidence occurs to any of the received items, you will contact the Labdoo team at, including in your email the tagging number of the item(s) related to the incidence and a brief explanation. The following incidences must always be reported: (2.1) At the end of life of any of the received items, so that the item can be properly recycled. (2.2) When an item breaks, malfunctions or any change in its status. (3) Every six months, please send an email to with the list of laptops that you have and their status (working or not working). (4) Labdoo laptops are offered for free to you for education purposes. In return, you agree to not use the laptops for commercial reasons and you agree not to charge any fee for the usage of the laptops. (5) By returning this form filled in, the solicitor confirms owning all rights on sent materials (current or in the future) submitted to and allowing such content to be publicly available from In addition, the solicitor confirms having approval for taking pictures of the children and/or any person benefiting from Labdoo laptops, tablets or any Labdoo donations, from their parents and/or legal guardians. explicitly points to the fact that sent materials and pictures/photos may be used online and/or offline, and hence that they can be accessed by third parties, and that such pictures are used to help preserve the transparency and accountability of the projects. We thank you for your commitment to make our world a better place and we wish you best of luck in your humanitarian mission. The Labdoo Team.