English Version (Updated 25-02-2019) Requester Information: (*) is a mandatory field -------------------------------- Requestor’s Name(*): Sarah Stéphanie Carine EKWE Requestor’s Email Address(*): etsnaturepure@gmail.com Your Organization(*): ETS PURE NATURE Organization Website / Facebook: Your Labdoo account user name (https://www.labdoo.org/user/register): -------------------------------- Project Site: -------------------------------- 1. Project title or name of your school, project, or NGO - A short title or description for your project(*): ETS PURE NATURE’s main goals are Training and Empowering the female gender. Our gender training initiative began in 2018, we went to many regions of Cameroon to assess the level of unemployment of female young individuals and the reality was bad. Young women get married very early and cannot neither go to school, nor have vocational training and sometimes experience genital mutilation. I was well trained in the technology industry to produce soap and liquid cleaning products and wish to transmit that knowledge to women in 6 target regions of Cameroon. In Douala where the main office is located, we have secured space already paid to begin our training in the next two months. 2. Project Description - Please explain about your project and how you will use the laptops (*): As we need to make this training known around Cameroon, the project is planned to begin in 6 regions of Cameroon. Given that the new three-storey building housing the head office in Douala is the most secure, each level will need 6 computers for two teachers per room and per level. In the remaining 5 regions, the local authorities have supported the project by providing 20 to 25 places for young women to take part in the training. In this way, each region will be able to use 7 computers. Applying the traditional method of teaching by using a blackboard with chalk to transmit this knowledge cannot be efficient to reach our targets. As we cannot teach 1000 pupils at the same time, we can use the Internet to train those who have their IT material in their own place in Cameroon. 3. Number of students(*): 120 (main office in Douala: 25, North and far North: 20 for each region, West and East regions: respectively 16 and 14 females to be trained). 4. Number of teachers(*): 18 5. Claimed IT equipments (*) 5.1 Number of Laptops needed(*): 50 5.2 Number of eBook Reader needed: 05 5.3 Others needed (Tablet-PCs etc): 05 5.4 Additional comments: 6. On Site Contact Information / project manager. Please provide at least one way to contact (*): 6.1 Full Name(*): Sarah Stéphanie Carine EKWE 6.2 Phone(*): +237 682 37 03 66 6.3 Email(*): etsnaturepure@gmail.com 6.4 Physical address of Organization (street, city, zip code, country...)(*): Rue Kotto Bassa, 6969 Douala, Cameroon 6.5 GPS coordinates (click the link to find the coordinates: https://www.gps-coordinates.net or https://support.google.com/maps/answer/18539) (*): 7. Language 7.1 Local / Preferred language(s)(*): English or French 7.2 Additional information about language(s): 8. Project Location - street, city, state/province, country, zip code(*): Rue Kotto Bassa, 6969 Littoral, Douala, Cameroon 9. Access to Internet(*)? 9.1 Access to internet (yes/no) 9.2 Wired/cable (yes/no) 9.3 Wireless (yes/no) 10. Conditions about the room where the laptops will be installed: 10.1 Is the room secure? [yes / no + brief explanation] In the six project sites, the training areas are solid buildings 10.2 Can the room be locked in a way that the supervisors (e.g. teachers) can control access? [yes / no + brief explanation] Rooms can be locked and only teachers can open them before trainees access the spaces. No thief can enter there. 10.3. Is the room weather-proof? (e.g. does the room protect the laptops from rain, sand, etc?) [yes / no + brief explanation] As said before, all rooms are weather-proof, where neither rain, nor water can gain access. 11. How did you hear about Labdoo?: --Search Engine (e.g. Google) --At local Conference, --At online Conference, --From other organizations/companies, --Facebook --Instagram --Other (please describe) 12. Picture(s) of the school, students, teacher, etc. with this Request Form. Please send as file(s) (*): The picture will be uploaded to your project site ***The solicitation of a Labdoo laptop request implies that, upon receiving the laptops, the recipient agrees with the "Labdoo Laptop Recipient Agreement". ----------------------------------------------------