Requester Information: -------------------------------- Requestor’s Name(*): AUGUSTINE CYRUS KAMARA Requestor’s Email Address(*) Your Organization(*):Grace International Schools Organization Website / Facebook: / Your Labdoo account user name ( -------------------------------- Project Site: SUKUDU NEW SITE, KOIDU CITY, TANKORO CHIEFDOM, KONO DISTRICT, EASTERN PROVINCE, SIERRA LEONE, WEST AFRICA -------------------------------- 1. Project title or name of your school, project, or NGO - A short title or description for your project(*): GRACE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS (Nursery, Primary & Secondary Schools) 2. Project Description - Please explain about your project and how you will use the laptops (*): 3. Number of students(*): 282 Pupil / Students (125 Pupils in Primary School & 157 Pupils / students in Secondary School) 4. Number of teachers(*): 15 Teachers altogether 5. Claimed IT equipments (*) 297 Laptops 5.1 Number of Laptops needed(*): 297 ebooks Readers 5.2 Number of eBook Reader needed: 297 Tablets 5.3 Others needed (Tablet-PCs etc): 297 Tables - PCs, Projectors, Wifi and Risograph. 5.4 Additional comments: The projectors will be used for teaching and the Risograph for printing question papers, assignments and documents for the school. The wifi is for both teachers and pupils to get access to material from the web. 6. On Site Contact Information / project manager. Please provide at least one way to contact (*): 6.1 Full Name(*): Augustine Cyrus Kamara 6.2 Phone(*): 232-76-909-491 6.3 Email(*) 6.4 Physical address of Organization (street, city, zip code, country...)(*): GRACE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS COMPOUND, SUKUDU NEW SITE, KOIDU CITY, TANKORO CHIEFDOM, KONO DISTRICT, EASTERN PROVINCE, SIERRA LEONE , WEST AFRICA 6.5 GPS coordinates (click the link to find the coordinates: or*): 7. Language 7.1 Local / Preferred language(s)(*): Mende, Kono, Kissy 7.2 Additional information about language(s): 8. Project Location - street, city, state/province, country, zip code(*): Sudoku New Site, Koidu City, Tankoro Chiefdom, Kono District. 9. Access to Internet(*)? 9.1 Access to internet (yes/no) YES. We have several mobile companies in Koidu City 9.2 Wired/cable (yes/no) YES 9.3 Wireless (yes/no) YES 10. Conditions about the room where the laptops will be installed: The room is well ventilated and secured. In addition to the room, we have a 40 feets container which we can use also. 10.1 Is the room secure? [yes / no + brief explanation] YES. the room / store has a door, window and the upper part is ceiled. 10.2 Can the room be locked in a way that the supervisors (e.g. teachers) can control access? [yes / no + brief explanation] YES. The room / store has a lock which will make the teachers to easily control the store. 10.3. Is the room weather-proof? (e.g. does the room protect the laptops from rain, sand, etc?) [yes / no + brief explanation] The room / store is weather proof. It has a zink roof. 11. How did you hear about Labdoo?: I came to know about Labdoo through Mr. Johannes Herter (The Potential Traveler) --Search Engine (e.g. Google) --At local Conference, --At online Conference, --From other organizations/companies, --Facebook --Instagram --Other (please describe) 12. Picture(s) of the school, students, teacher, etc with this Request Form. Please send as file(s) (*): The picture will be uploaded to your project site ***The solicitation of a Labdoo laptop request implies that, upon receiving the laptops, the recipient agrees with the "Labdoo Laptop Recipient Agreement".