Dootrip #000001788 - from Los Angeles (United States) to Paynesville City (Liberia)

Origin of the trip: 
550 W. 127th St. Los Angeles , CA
United States
34° 3' 8.4024" N, 118° 14' 34.458" W
California US
Departure date: 
Петак, Јул 30, 2021 - 14:15
Destination of the trip: 
50101 Paynesville City , MS
6° 15' 58.7124" N, 10° 42' 39.5136" W
Montserrado LR
Arrival date: 
Уторак, Август 10, 2021 - 14:15
Number of days you can store the dootronic(s) after the arrival date: 
Number of days you can store the dootronic(s) before the departure date: 
Number of dootronics you can carry: 
Number of dootronics assigned: 
Dootronic identifiers: 
Dootronics' estimated total weight: 
Please update the weight of each individual dootronic
Travel distance: 
11206 Kms
CO2 emissions savings: 
28 Kgms of CO2 emissions saved
We have done this booking Since the last three Months we have not yet received the supplies and we really want to start our program, please help us donate those computers as soon as possible please.
Date it was created: 26/04/21/
Date it was last updated: 07/02/25