Dootrip #000002526 - from Mülheim an der Ruhr (Germany) to Bonn (Germany)


Status message

Traveling to this country and you would like to bring a laptop to this project? Reach out to Labdoo and we will help you make the difference.

Origin of the trip: 
45478 Mülheim an der Ruhr , NW
51° 25' 6.1608" N, 6° 53' 7.1628" E
Nordrhein-Westfalen DE
Departure date: 
Среда, Јун 1, 2022 - 07:30
Destination of the trip: 
53121 Bonn
50° 44' 15.288" N, 7° 5' 50.7372" E
Arrival date: 
Четвртак, Јун 2, 2022 - 07:30
Additional traveler(s) information: 
per Paketdienst
Number of dootronics you can carry: 
Number of dootronics assigned: 
Dootronic identifiers: 
Dootronics' estimated total weight: 
2.5 Kgms
Travel distance: 
77 Kms
CO2 emissions savings: 
0.1 Kgms of CO2 emissions will be saved assuming one laptop is transported
1 Laptops, 10 € noch offen (wait for payment before sending); hat Antrag erneuert und zu spät bezahlt, dadurch seinen Platz in der Warteliste verloren :(
Date it was created: 14/05/22/
Date it was last updated: 27/03/25