Labdoo receives a services grant from Amazon AWS for Non-Profits


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Dear all,

We have some great news to share. Recently we applied for Amazon AWS for Non-profits program and just a few days ago we received the positive news that Labdoo was accepted in their non-profit program!

As some of you know, our Labdoo Platform runs on servers provided by Amazon's cloud computing infrastructure. By being part of Amazon for Non-profit program, the Labdoo platform will now effectively run free of cost on Amazon's Cloud Computing service. In other words, from now on, running the Labdoo platform itself (the actual computers that power the site will be free thanks to this in-kind contribution from Amazon AWS.

This is another acknowledgement of the great work you are all doing. Amazon has recognized that Labdoo is doing great things to bring education around the world, and as a result they are now donating computing services to run our platform.

This is another important milestone to make Labdoo even more sustainable. The fact that we can now run our servers for free, means that no one of us has to chip in to pay the costs or ask for others to help pay for it, and so we can continue to keep our mission and work focused to what we really like to do: help bring educational laptops to schools around the world.

For years we have been looking for a strategy/way to remove this cost from the equation to further increase our sustainability as a project. That day has arrived now. Making the cost of running the platform itself sustainable is an important milestone which continues to ensure our long term sustainability and reinforces the importance of our non-profit approach to run as lean as possible.

A big and special thank you to all of you who make the Labdoo project possible every day, and another big thank you to Amazon for understanding the importance of the Labdoo cause and helping to support it.

