Labdoo Hub Salzburg


Status message

  • Traveling to this country and you would like to bring a laptop to this project? Reach out to Labdoo and we will help you make the difference.
  • Hint: to contact this hub, please make sure you are logged into your Labdoo account and then click on the username next to the field 'Hub manager(s)' to go to the manager's page. From there, click on the tab 'Contact'.


Labdoo Hub Salzburg



Hub Salzburg: TechnoZ Itzling
Jakob-Haringer-Str. 7/22, Annahme von Laptopspenden Frank Bubeck, Tel. 0043 6609147318
5020 Salzburg , SAL
47° 49' 23.664" N, 13° 2' 28.356" E
Salzburg AT
Hub type: 
Dropping point
About this hub: 

Bitte beachten Sie die weiteren Annahmestellen im Raum Salzburg.

Date it was created: 06/04/14/
Date it was last updated: 15/11/24


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Dootronic ID Country Status Model Serial number Weight
000039322 Romania [S6] Recycled Tosiba AT300 Yc285213R
000039355 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Medion MD 96290 0016D3837461
000039356 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Sony VPCYB3V1E 275510955004000 2.50Kgms
000039459 Romania [S6] Recycled SAMSUNG GT-P5100 RF1CA5RK078
000039783 Thailand [S4] Deployed and being used Fijutsu Livebook A531 YLDS064607
000039868 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Hp Pavillion dv6 CNF92507XJ
000042080 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used ASUS TP300L-DW033H E7NOCJ00786428G 3.00Kgms
000042081 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used MEDION 98300 914U801DS0G713022CAKS008
000046796 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used MEDION 98300 914U801DS0G713022CAKS008
000046856 Austria [S6] Recycled Hp Elite Book compaq2530p C2C9253Y2R
000046857 Congo (Brazzaville) [S4] Deployed and being used HP Elite Book 8440p CZC0418Z63 3.00Kgms
000047062 Senegal [S4] Deployed and being used Hp mini SCD2061NM1
000047432 Germany [S4] Deployed and being used Dell inspiron p75f 6FG7242 3.00Kgms
000048059 Burundi [S4] Deployed and being used Lenovo G505 CB28050755 3.00Kgms
000052869 Austria [S6] Recycled Siemens Fujidsu AMILO M1450G YSLH064176
000053629 Austria [S0] Tagged with a Labdoo ID HP x2 10-p081ng Detachable-PC 12122018 0.58Kgms
000053630 Austria [S0] Tagged with a Labdoo ID acer TravelMate 5760 Series LXV6K02011204079A27600
000055016 Austria [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance Toshiba satellite C660D-1EH 3C310214K
000055017 Austria [S1] Donated, waiting to pass quality assurance hp EliteBook 6930p 2CE8488L.B2


  • To learn more about how to write a Labdoo story, go to this page.


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