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Labdoo D A CH

Frank Hamberg's picture
Submitted by Frank Hamberg | Last mesage on Fri, 08/23/2019 - 08:17 | 0 comment(s)
Hallo Labdooers, beim Hub in Bremen sind fünf Android Tablets verfügbar. Alle vom selben Typ. Siehe Link: Da nur 12GB Speicher verfügbar sind, können natürlich nur begrenzt Offline-Inhalt darauf gebracht werden. WLAN funktioniert bei allen, so dass sie vielleicht am Besten als Hilfsmittel in einem entsprechend ausgestatteten Edovillage verwendet...
Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on Sat, 08/17/2019 - 17:46 | 0 comment(s)
Besucht uns auf der FAIR FRIENDS Messe 2019 auf dem Stand 2.C12. Ihr könnt euch auf unserem Messestand über informieren. Unsere Helfer*innen nehmen am Messestand Laptopspenden entgegen. Wir freuen uns auf euren Besuch. Mit dem Gutscheincode 127708 könnt ihr euch eine oder mehrere kostenlosen Eintrittskarten abrufen. https://tickets.fair-friends...

Labdoo Catalonia

jordi's picture
Submitted by jordi | Last mesage on Sat, 08/17/2019 - 05:19 | 0 comment(s)
Hola a tothom! El proper 31 d'agost (dissabte) fem un dinar Labdoo obert a tothom qui vulgui venir. El dinar es fara a Vilafranca del Penedes, coincidint amb la Festa Major, aixi que tambe tindrem oportunitat de veure la diada de castells i altres activitats de la Festa qui ho vulgui. El pla: trobar-nos a les 13:00 per veure castells. Anar a dinar a les 14:30 al restaurant Cal Figarot (...

Coffee Shop

Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on Tue, 08/13/2019 - 15:11 | 0 comment(s)
[This information is only important for hubs and helpers installing and using Nepali OER educational content] The Nepalese OER 2017 cannot be opened in Firefox 68 (rel. Spring 2019). The OER was not changed since 2 years and we don't expect that the Nepalese archive will be modified soon. So Labdoo Team...
Rhein-Ruhr-Hub's picture
Submitted by Rhein-Ruhr-Hub | Last mesage on Mon, 08/12/2019 - 17:52 | 0 comment(s)
As Labdoo supports many schools and projects in Kenya and Tanzania, countries where people speak Swahili, we are glad to inform that new educational content in Swahili is available. Thanks to the contribution of team of Labdoo hub Munich the archive with more than 1.000 Swahili video tutorials can be downloaded and used for free
Kchung's picture
Submitted by Kchung | Last mesage on Fri, 08/09/2019 - 11:03 | 2 comment(s)
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone has previously made or used a formal certificate template for data destruction. Thanks, Kiran (NZ)

Labdoo Global Support (LGS)

Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (није потврђен) | Last mesage on Fri, 08/09/2019 - 05:57 | 7 comment(s)
Hello all, I am a novice on computers but have been a part of the Labdoo community for some time. I'm trying to use Labtix for the first time. I have created a bootable USB and am able to get to Labtix. However, once there, it's unclear how to proceed. I am following the "Labtix - the Labdoo environment to install donated laptops (English)" video on YouTube. According to the video, when...
Petits Musics del Mon's picture
Submitted by Petits Musics d... | Last mesage on Sat, 07/27/2019 - 05:37 | 1 comment(s)
hola Quan LOG In no accepta el correu electrònic, només nom d'usuari. Si cal un tipus de mail caldria indicar-ho. Martí

Software Development

jh054's picture
Submitted by jh054 | Last mesage on Fri, 08/09/2019 - 05:14 | 5 comment(s)
What versions of Ubuntu does the Labdoo software platform work with? Is it only Ubuntu 1.4.04?

Labdoo-California, USA

labdoo-hub-oc's picture
Submitted by labdoo-hub-oc | Last mesage on Sun, 08/04/2019 - 05:23 | 0 comment(s)
Dear OC-Labdooers, Our next sanitation workshop will be on Sunday, 8/11. Please come and join us for another fun afternoon and help this world to be a better place at the same time. Looking forward to see many of you again soon! Sincerely, The Labdoo-OC Team