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Comment trouver et recueillir ordinateurs inutilisés
La première étape du processus Labdoo est celle d’identifier un ordinateur portable qui ne soit pas utilisé et qui puisse être réutilisé à des fins éducatives. Il y a beaucoup de façons de trouver des ordinateurs qui ne soient plus utilisés. Ici on a quelques exemples parmi beaucoup d’autres :
How to Find and Collect Unused Laptops
The first step in the Labdoo process is to identify an unused laptop that can be repurposed for educational means. There are many different ways to identify and rescue laptops that are no longer used. Here are some ways to do so, among others:
Laptop status update when a laptop gets transported to a different location
The laptop surely will need to be transported to different locations in the donation journey from the initial laptop donation until reaching the laptop recipient school.
If the laptop is transporting from one location to another location, it is very important to keep the laptop's location current. Below is the instruction on how to update the laptop location.
Using a Laptop as WiFi Hotspot to provide educational data to mobile devices
Wiki Documents to Print
Before you travel with the laptops, it's important to check that your delivery package includes a printed copy of the "Dootronics Welcome Kit" inside an envelope. If your package does not include it yet, then please go to this page, where you will be able to download it and print it.
What to Do Once the Laptops are Deployed
Here is the check list of things to do once you have deployed the laptops in an edoovillage:
Additional Info on how to Sanitize a Laptop
Information IT-Spender
Vielen Dank, dass du / Ihr / sie sich über IT-Spenden für Labdoo informieren. Der Einfachheit halber bleiben wir im folgenden Text beim "du", sonst würde der Text doppelt so lang ;). Es würde uns freuen, wenn du uns dein Vertrauen schenkst und du uns eure ausgemusterte, private oder Firmen-IT spendest.
Information for Dootrippers (Travelers)
Dear Dootripper,
Thank you for taking one or more laptops to an Edoovillage, it’s an important contribution! Your action is a key step towards helping make Labdoo a sustainable project. By reusing laptops and repurposing your trip, you are not only bringing education to needy schools, but you are also helping to preserve the planet by avoiding generating additional CO2 emissions.
In this section you will find information that will help you make your trip more efficient, safe, and fun.