Check filter / inventory / search string



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Website bug

Hi Jordi,

please check Global inventory and filtering results. There seems to be a bug. Here is an example for edoovillages, but the same bug shows up filtering dootronics or others.

Open and enter in free text Bihac -> no hits shown

Go back to and filter for Bosnia and you will see at least 2 projects in Bihac.

If you go to and use the same 2 filters you will get correct results.

I tried several days in case the data-base was not working, but the problems stayed.
Added 01.01.2017:
A similar problems shows up, when you use a search text. You must know the exact sequence of the words within a text. Example:

You search for dootronics, using the search text "pro l20", which shows you a list of Toshibas. If you search for "l20 pro" (which might happen easily if you are not sure about the exact sequence) you will get no hits, even the words are part of the model text (Toshiba Satelite Pro L20).

Another example when searching donors (text "gespendet von der IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein aus Krefeld , vielen Dank). "ihk mitt" shows a list of donated computers, "ihk krefeld" not.
added 03.01.2017

Another problem: search "AWISTA" and "Düsseldorf" in this string "gespendet über AWISTA Düsseldorf, vielen Dank" will deliver no hits, due to "," after "Düsseldorf". I store these text with a space between word and "," to get results. I am aware of the wild card function, but you cannot be sure if you have to use wild card or not, if the word is "Düsseldorf" or "Düsseldorf,".

Maybe there is not good solution for that? Or you can offer kind of an advanced search mode? Do you want to have several search expressions connected by AND or OR? Do you want to search exactly (no wildcard) or unsharp (add wildcard * to each word)? I am not the expert. Maybe Drupal has better options?

Thanks, Ralf


jordi 在 星期五, 01/06/2017 - 08:30 提交

The first part of this task is now resolved. Ralf, you should be able to query with a text and get results. For instance:

This bug was coming from the internal drupal engines. It used to work in Labdoo some time ago but it broke after an upgrade. For our record, some more information about this bug is found under this thread (this bug was fixed within Labdoo by disabling the query rewriting as recommended next):

jordi 在 星期五, 01/06/2017 - 08:33 提交

As for the second part of the issue, this is a request i looked in the past. It seems a simple request but it's actually not that easy to do as it requires resolving with other search engines APIs (this piece of code leverages Google Chart APIs). So unfortunately there is no plans to support it in the short term, users just need to play with the right search strings to get the result they need for now.