The Importance of Updating Dootronics as Soon as Possible



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Labdoo is a humanitarian project, its goal is to help spread education as much as possible by delivering laptops loaded with educational content. To do so, it relies on contributions made by many people around the world, both in terms of physical laptops donated and a very large number of collective hours dedicated by many volunteers (people who collect unused laptops, sanitize them, travel with them or simply tell the Labdoo story). It is really important that such generous contributions be matched with a platform that is accurate and reflects the most up to date information because all the people that are involved in each mini-mission deserve to know the latest news about that effort and because without updated information it's difficult to make efficient decisions.

So how do we keep the information in the Labdoo platform most up-to-date to ensure transparency and agility? The answer is: via your frequent updates. For instance, every time a laptop is delivered at a school, the database needs to be updated (by both uploading new pictures and changing the state to "S4: Deployed and being used") as soon as possible so that donors and all volunteers that were part of that mini-mission get to know of the success of their work. But not only that, every time a new action is performed that involves a change in the state of any of the Labdoo objects (dootronics, dootrips, edoovillages, or hubs) it is very important that we update such information inside the Labdoo platform as soon as possible so as to keep the system most up-to-date.

Keep in mind that it took many people's collective effort to bring a laptop to a school (hours to collect, sanitize and deliver a laptop) and updating the database is only a few minutes of work. You have been really good at doing that already, but we just wanted to remind you of the importance of the work you do when you provide your timely updates on the platform. Thank you for keeping up the good work and for helping to make Labdoo a sustainable, fun and effective tool to spread education!

Continue reading to the next page:
Tricks to help you find dootronics

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Who Can Edit a Dootronic?