Labdoo Technical Q&A online 1h Workshop - Monday 31 at 20:00 EST



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With the growing of the Labdoo platform thanks to the recent collaborations and the Km0 approach, we want to offer a regular meeting session that can serve to support people finding themselves with technical questions on how to sanitize and prepare a Labdoo Laptop.

To allow people to share their experiences, present their problems and gather best practices from other volunteers, every month we are holding an online webinar.

The initial idea is to start with a monthly meeting (Last Monday of each Month) and see how it goes (we might extend it, shedule it more/less frequently...), lets start as a pilot and see where this takes us.

We are currently supporting questions in a variety of questions, including English, German and Spanish. The default language will be English but we will allow for conversations to flow in other languages depending on the audience. In the future we may support different webinars dedicated to specific languages and planet regions.

To participate, anyone can simply join the Google Meet session link:

We would be very thankful if you could share this information among the volunteers in your countries, in order to let them know about this opportunity.

Finally, please find below a boilerplate text and images that you can share in your favourite social networks, which was put together by Labdoo's communication team (a thank you to Ximena and Ralf!).

Thank you everyone and looking forward to seeing you in the Labdoo Q&A Webinar!

Una sesión de preguntas para aclarar cualquier duda que pueda surgir a la hora de preparar los ordenadores de Labdoo o cualquier otro aspecto tecnico
Para participar, entra directamente en la sesión de google meet [ ]
podremos responder preguntas tambien en castellano!

Am Montag 31.08.2020 werden wir den 1. Technischen Q&A Workshop anbieten. Darin sollen Fragen und Probleme geklärt werden, die möglicherweise während der Aufarbeitung eines Labdoo-Laptops aufgetaucht sind. Oder auch andere technischen, allgemeine Frage.
Um teilzunehmen, nutzt einfach den Google Meet Link []
Fragen werden auch auf Deutsch angenommen.

An informal Q&A session in order to resolve any doubt that you might have found during the sanitazion process of a Labdoo Laptop or any other technical question in general
To take part on it, just join the google meet link [ ]
Questions in English are also accepted!

星期一, 八月 31, 2020 -