Our Labdoo developer team, especially Jordi, added a nice feature to our homepage. You are now able to cluster regional or national hubs and branches and to show their location in a country in one map.
As long as there are only a few hubs in a region/country, visitors of our homepage can easily find-out in our hub dashboard, where the nearest hub is located https://platform.labdoo.org/content/hubs-dashboard (just filtering for the county and check a short list).
But it if the number of hubs is increasing, the list of hubs in a country can get longer and confusing. Some time ago, Labdoo (Switzerland) added for this reason the ZIP code and canton of each hub. Labdoo (Germany) did the same, e.g. this link will show you all hubs in Germany in the ZIP code area 8xxxx https://platform.labdoo.org/content/hubs-dashboard?c=de&search=annahmest....
Each local hub and its assigned branches were already shown in a map, e.g. Labdoo Hub Zürich https://platform.labdoo.org/de/hub?h=440. This worked already in the past, as long as there was only one hub in a country.
But what, if you have several hubs in a country, like in Germany? Often donors contact us, but not telling us their home town. There was already a way to send them a list of open hubs, sorted by ZIP code https://platform.labdoo.org/de/hubs?country%5B%5D=de&field_hub_status_va.... But without any support of Google maps it was uncomfortable.
But now map support is available - as an example, here is our root hub entry for Germany https://platform.labdoo.org/content/labdooorg-deutschland. You can see all German hubs and branches in the map. Move the map cut-off by your mouse and zoom in or out using the +/- buttons in the map. Clicking on a hub symbol, you get a first short information and a link, to drill down for more details. And at the bottom of the root hub page you can see the ZIP sorted list of hubs and branches in addition. I like single point of information :)
It works like an object tree, even with multi level structure. So if you have several local hub clusters e.g. in a state, province, canton or "Bundesland" and these clusters belongs to a national hub, you can show this in the map and the data structure.
This might not be important for your local team or hub by now, but Labdoo will grow and will get more local hubs. And then this feature might be helpful for you and visitors of our platform.
In case of any question, contact Jordi or Labdoo (Germany). Thank you.
Great feature.
Great feature.
Could we also map, for instance, all edoovillages in one country, lets say, Turkey? This way a traveler can choose the edoovillages in his route just by checking this map.