We are trying to install the Labdoo image on this Macbook Air A21079. They are great machines and we have 37 of them, so it's worthy, right?. After spending a few hours we could start Labtix form the C USB (they do not have entry for Type C USB).
To reach this point we had to change a few things from the standard procedure:
- Turn off secure boot and allow booting from external media - https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208330
- Prepare the Labtix USB with RUFUS but partitions GPT instead of MBR or NFTS. (may be I didn't get the explanation right, but i am sure we chose the GPT option)
So now we could start labtix, but once it gets to the main screen with the diagnosis and all the functionalities ready, it gets blocked and the mouse and keyboard do not work.
Any advice?
Thanks a lot!
Hi Elena,
Hi Elena,
Labtix 1 and the 20.04 LTS images are not able to run on T2 CPUs of Apple. We got similar laptops donated in Germany a few weeks ago and could convince them after a long discussion to start Labdoo images (not easy, had to add many specific drivers and some peripherals like web-cam did not work etc.). And those laptops came with a touch-sensitive display line instead of function keys, very special. So we decided to give those MacBooks away with MacOs :(
There is a good web-site https://t2linux.org/ to check, what is suggested for your hardware.
There might be a small chance to solve it by Labtix 2 and 22.04 LTS based images. Give me a few days to finish and upload 22.04 images. I will tell you, when you can check 22.04.
And we give away an USB/USB-C adapter/hub with each laptop, having only a USB-C slot. Otherwise users cannot connect standard USB-devices as they are used to.
adapter ca. 3-5 € https://www.ebay.es/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313&_nk...
hubs more expensive https://www.ebay.es/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2510209.m570.l1313&_nk...
May-be this helps you, even we don't have a solution ready for you.
Ralf with the help of Thomsen
Labdoo.org (Germany)
Checked our stock here, sorry, we don't have any T2 device here at the moment. So I cannot prepare a T2 image for you,
But you could try an adapted Ubuntu 22.04 LTS iso and install an Ubuntu (T2)
It is more or less the way Labdoo started installing from the base, the approach before cloning became the preferred way of installing.
All righ Ralph,
All righ Ralph,
I will also translate the instructions to sanitize MACs (before T2 was implemented) with all the drivers for the camera and so on, it is only in Spanish, https://platform.labdoo.org/content/port%C3%A1tiles-s%C3%B3lo-con-uefi-p...
Thanks so much!