Ghana, Jirapa: St. Joseph Junior High School and St. Joseph Nurnsing training school | Ghana-Kreis e.V.
[April, 2019]
On behalf of the College Management, I want to express our gratitude to you for the donation of the laptops to our college. It is our promise that the computers would be used to teach students computer skills and school courses for the benefit of the college and the country thereof.
Nevertheless, we would be much appreciated, if you could provide more computers to the College to assist students in the Online Professional Licensing Examinations. Find atteched pictures of the donation made.
Accept our thanks and gratitude for the donation.
[20.01.2018 (German)]
Father Sylvester schickte mir die Fotos von den Laptops. Sie stehen in der Nursingschool in Jirapa. Voller Stolz übergab Fr. Sylvester die Laptops und bedankt sich auf diesem Wege noch einmal ganz herzlich für die großzügige Spende. Die restlichen Laptops sollen in der Berufsschule und in der Highschool eingesetzt werden.
Rev. Fr. Sylvester Nankpi
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Tel. 0553807474, 0504433037, 0503955732
To help 6 - 12 years old students to learn ICT and help students in the nurses training school carry out research through the internet. This will enhance quality learning.
College 346 students [2018]
School 74 pupils [2018]
Date it was last updated: 05/05/19