Proofreading the English wiki


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Hello, I have been proofreading the wiki. There is quite a bit of material but i think i have covered about 75% of it. I will continue working during the next weeks on the 25% rest. Here are some comments.

  1. When making hyperlinks, please follow the description in this page: In particular, make sure you use this codeblock:

    <a href="../content/creating-internal-links">An example link to this wiki page</a>

    Please notice the "../" prefix (needed to ensure multilanguage support works).

  2. When inserting images or movies, please follow the explanations from this page:
  3. If possible do not add extra <br> unless it is strictly necessary. Otherwise when generating a printable page there are odd white spaces :)
  4. @Wendy, could you help explain what is the meaning of parent hub under this page?

    It might be useful to write a paragraph describing the meaning. How are school hubs supposed to find their parent hub?

  5. @Wendy, this page is empty and belongs to a Chinese book, but most of its sections are in English, could you clarify? is this a Chinese book or an English book?

    This page is also referenced from this other English page:


wendy's picture
Submitted by wendy on Mon, 05/02/2016 - 06:12

4. The school-hub in US do have adults involvement at school so I use the term "parent hub", which means the hubs run by adults who can provide adequate supervision and guidance to the school hubs.

5. I was trying to create a "basic hardware troubleshooting" book. I have problem adding child page if it's a unpublished book. And the book is way not mature enough to be published. I need to remember to switch it back/forth during my editing. I just switched the book to "unpublished" again so it won't confuse you.
