The Great Network


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Sometimes ago it sprung,
Just as a small herb from ground
Today, it has become a great hardwood,
Like the African mugumo
A product of the great minds.

And the herb grew bigger,
Creating its present hubs,
All people unite through it
A real bridge to technology
I thank the leadership
Of the three pillars.

My word I give to you
Not even in writing that it be clear
If I was to recite, louder it would be
But allow me to whisper,
You are a wonderful gift
And your minds are a blessing!

Imagine, a small young boy
In Kangemi-a slum in the capital
Of Kenya, Africa
Has grown to love labdoo
Your fruits are far-reaching
And will continue to thrive.

Many of us here had grown
Hearing of technology and education
When those rich politicians come
And they could manipulate us
Promising to deliver but no,
All in vain, but today
liberated we are, thanks
To the labdoo network.

These are just to mention
Hupendo, Oasis, Children's Garden
Schools, All of Kangemi and
Everywhere in Kenya we see the
Green light
I support you for the Green Tec award and great tribute to donors,
Travelers and organizers.
You are just what the world needs!

A poem by Max, teacher at the Oasis school in Kangemi

This story comes from: 
Date it was created: 20/04/17/
Date it was last updated: 02/01/18