Hi, this should also take only a few minutes, when you have some time, could you help translating this flyer to your languages? i have created the templates so you can pick your language and directly do the translation on your corresponding Google Doc below, thanks:
English (already translated):
Catalan (already translated):
Chinese (already translated):
French (needs translation):
Japanese (needs translation):
German (needs translation):
Nederlands (needs translation):
Spanish (needs translation):
Also if there is a language
Also if there is a language not included below that you would like to contribute, please let me know and will generate the template for it! thks.
Hi Jordi,
Hi Jordi,
done, the German flyer was translated and adapted to the different needs and approach in D A CH region. Frank reviewed the translation as well. The QR code for the German explain video was added. The Labdoo logo was exchanged to the logo of D A CH area, links to our national landing pages added etc.
In case of any question please contact Frank or me. Thanks,
In case you want to add a QR code for the English explain video see attachment :)
Hi Jordi
Hi Jordi
Done, the Spanish translation. Also attached the file in pdf just in case
Best regards
Hi Jordi!
Hi Jordi!
I could do the translation into Russian.
Thank you all for the great
Thank you all for the great contributions already!
Also, thanks Olesya for offering to do the Russian translation! Here is the flyer for the Russian version that you can work on:
Dear all,
Dear all,
Russian translation done. I have a very spontaneous thoughts regarding the picture on the flyer. It is very nice and very well done, for the Russian speaking people it could be a bit abstract, since there are a lot of places in own countries to help or support. So it might be that there will be not that connection when people look at the picture in East Europe like it could be here, for example in Germany.
This is just somethig I wanthed to share.
Have a nice weekend!
PS Where we can find posters then?
Kind regards,
Hi Olesya, if you feel that
Hi Olesya, if you feel that it's better to change the poster in anyway (for instance, maybe you want to use a picture of children using laptops in Russia), feel free to make any changes directly. Thank you!
Dear Jordi! thank you! I am
Dear Jordi! thank you! I am very new here and do not know how it works here ;)
Could you forward me 4 different pictures showing labdoo projects in different countries? I could try to put in one collage and use for flyer.
Will the flyers be putted at the labdoo page?
Hi Olesya,
Hi Olesya,
there is a collection of selected, nice and HD project pictures online http://ftp.labdoo.org/download/documents/material/pictures-projects/. You can download each picture and check, if it is what you are looking for.
Another way would be to open edoovillage's photo album, especially those projects being located in areas which fit to your flyer concept. Check the project photos and if you see a nice picture please contact the hub taking care of the project. Ask the hub to send you the original photo file you need as the resolution of photos in Labdoos albums will be reduced. Using the lower resolution might cause poor quality of them in the flyer.
Ralf (Labdoo Germany)
Dear all,
Dear all,
Russian version is done! I used 4 pictures!