As there was a request how to solve a problem when logging in, which might be of general interest, here is a short post.
When a computer was installed using image for cloning the computer will "remember" the keyboard layout of the source computer, generating the image. In most cases "German", sorry :( When you have an English keyboard and password is still 'labdoo' there is no problem, as all letters of labdoo are at the same key in English and German. But there are differences between the layout of keyboards. So here is a "how-to" solve it
In case of any question please send a mail to Thanks.
Es gab eine Anfrage zu einem Problem mit dem Tastaturlayout bei der Anmeldung (Log-In). Da es evtl. von allgemeinem Interesse ist, poste ich es hier. Da eure Laptops vermutlich eine deutsche Tastatur haben, habt ihr kein Problem (weil eure Tastatur identisch ist mit der Tastatur, mit der ein Image erzeugt wurde). Wenn ihr aber IT-Spenden mit einer ausländischen Tastatur bekommt, dann habt ihr die u.a. Lösung.
Das Image for Cloning "merkt" sich das Tastaturlayout des Rechners, mit dem es erstellt wurde. I.d.R. werden Images auf Rechnern mit deutscher Tastatur erstellt. Wenn ihr jetzt einen Rechner mit einem anderen Tastaturlayout habt, kann es Probleme beim Einloggen geben. Es reicht auch nicht, die Tastaturbelegung in den Systemeinstellungen eines Benutzers zu ändern. Den Lösungsweg findet ihr hier
Falls Ihr Fragen habt, schickt eine Mail an
Ralf Hamm, Labdoo (Germany)
Hi Ralf,
Hi Ralf,
First of all, I'd like to express our appreciation to the German team to create standard installation images so we don't need to kill our brain cells to figure out where to find all the software and it is very easy for our edoovillages to use the laptops because they all come with the same. A standard image makes a huge difference on supporting, especially with the edoovillages which you have a long term partnership with or with the edoovillages which need a big number of laptops.
We did have problem with German language setup. The problem is not coming from the Labdoo password, but mostly from the "wifi password". People constantly complained that the laptop has wifi problem and we then realized it's because of the default German keyboard setting preventing them to get connected:)
However, one good suggestion you made to "super hub" earlier solved our problem. We now make a custom image out from the standard image and distribute them among our local hubs.
It doesn't only solve the keyboard setting problem, we saved a lot of time on xowa download as well. It used to take easily 3-4 hours to download Spanish-xowa, since most of our laptops go to Spanish speaking countries. And often the download gets stuck because of too slow internet or interruptions.
Now as we create local image out from the standard image with Spanish-xowa and English/Spanish keyboard, but default to be English, we no longer have the password issues or download xowa issue:)
Thank you so much again for the great work!