Bosnia and Herzegovina, Srebrenica / Srebrenik: Computer lab for disabled children school
Enes Džanić
In our organization we deal with the issues of people with disabilities. The work of the organization including children with special needs and children with disabilities, as well as youth and adults with disabilities. In the last two years we have concentrated more on children and youth, but still involved adults with disabilities. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, people with disabilities are in an unenviable position. In Srebrenik population is made up of different nationalities and religions. Users of our Association are members of different nationalities and religions, but have the highest representation of Bosniacs. People with disabilities in the municipality Srebrenik are in a very discriminatory position, is very difficult communications, seclusion, competition for employment is very difficult, and most people with disabilities is in very poor socio-economic condition. A good portion of them live within or below the poverty line. Most disadvantaged children with special needs that are not designed for no
good solution. Our association has managed to fight through projects building and living children with special needs. Center was built and opened on 10 October 2012 year. The current problem is equipping workshops for working with children with special needs, kai funding the work itself.
One of the workshops to equip a computer workshop in which children with special needs educated for computer work, adopting IT knowledge, setting up communication with others, both at home and in the wider world. This workshop is aimed at inclusion of children with special needs in the most modern way of communicating, developing creativity, and integration into society. It would be really good if we had an opportunity to equip our computer courses, to help children and youth with special needs in a way that gives them the opportunity to communicate with the world, to share knowledge and experience, to learn and be trained.
Date it was last updated: 05/12/15