Spain, Lliçà de Vall: Sala de Informática FUNDACIO PRIVADA OBRA TUTELAR AGRARIA


Mensaje de estado

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Spain, Lliçà de Vall: Sala de Informática FUNDACIO PRIVADA OBRA TUTELAR AGRARIA


Colonia Agrícola Santa Maria del Valles
Lleida S/n
08185 Lliçà de Vall
41° 35' 32.7012" N, 2° 15' 11.9016" E
Breve descripción del proyecto: 
Número de profesores: 
Número de estudiantes: 
Punto de contacto en el sitio: 

4.1. Nombre: Marti Berini
4.2. Teléfono: 698.637.937
4.3. Correo electrónico:
4.4. Dirección :Colonia Agricola Santa Maria del Valles. Final del carrer Lleida s/n 08185 Lliça de Vall
4.5. Coordenadas de GPS: 41gds 35 mts 32,7 seg norte 2 gds 15 mts 11,9 seg este

Descripción del proyecto: 

Tener la oportunidad, nuestros alumnos, de tener ordenadores, para realizar tareas escolares, ampliar conocimientos, cursos, comunicaciones.

Aplicación del proyecto: 
Green: the rest of the dootronics can be sent
Número de dispositivos educativos requeridos: 
Notas adicionales sobre los dispositivos: 
Preferentemente torres. Es necessiten 20 ordinadors fixos per l'escola + 14 portàtils per assignar als alumnes que els necessiten per anar a l'Institut
Idioma(s) local(es): 
Castellano, catalán
220-240 Volts
Tipo de conector: 
Tipo de conexión a Internet: 
Date it was created: 25/09/15/
Date it was last updated: 06/02/19


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Dootronic ID País Estado Model Serial number Weight
000004291 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used DELL LATITUDE E6410 A1012209287 3.00Kgms
000004293 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used Dell LATITUDE E6410 A101003938
000004294 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used Dell LATITUDE E6410 A101109463
000004295 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used DELL E6410 00186-072-699-452
000006177 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used PC Clonic (torre) Santiveri 01403 5.00Kgms
000006178 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used PC Clonic (torre) Santiveri 1386 5.00Kgms
000006179 Spain [S9] Deployed but not working PC Clonic (torre) Santiveri 1352 5.00Kgms
000006180 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used PC Clonic (torre) Santiveri 01408 5.00Kgms
000006182 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used PC Clonic (torre) Santiveri 1410 5.00Kgms
000006183 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compact D330 Santiveri 1270 5.00Kgms
000006184 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used PC Clonic (torre) Santiveri 1755 5.00Kgms
000006185 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compact D3330 (torre) Santiveri 1272 5.00Kgms
000006186 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compact D3330 (torre) Santiveri 1279 5.00Kgms
000006187 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compact D3330 (torre) Santiveri 1273 5.00Kgms
000009270 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq DC7100SFF CZC4412RGZ 8.80Kgms
000009271 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used Clonic stveri 2301 8.00Kgms
000009272 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq DC7100SFF santiveri 01571 8.80Kgms
000009273 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq DC7100SFF santiveri 01319 8.80Kgms
000009275 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq santiveri 01304 8.00Kgms
000009276 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq D330 santiveri 01277 8.00Kgms
000009277 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq DC7100SFF Santiveri 01570 8.80Kgms
000009278 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq DC7100SFF Santiveri 01572 8.80Kgms
000009280 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Compaq DC7100SFF Santiveri 01369 8.80Kgms
000013429 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used HP Mini CNF140068L
000016603 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used toshiba NB250 9a55753k
000034055 Spain [S4] Deployed and being used Toshiba satélite NB10t ZD275125S


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Dootrip #DepartureOrigenDestinoEstadoCapacityDootronics assigned
Dootrip #0000000522015-10-02T06:15:00Barcelona, SpainLliça de vall, SpainCompleted44
Dootrip #0000016682020-12-09T13:00:00Tarragona, SpainValls, SpainCompleted88


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