Uganda, Kajjansi, Lweza, Zone B: St. Pauls school
kiwanuka joseph
Joseannex messiahs music group , a community based organization in Lweza was founded by Joseph Kiwanuka and it is registered in the NGO status , registration Number wcbo/713/12.
In our education program , we have many packages for improving education in our Area , and this is done through partnership with schools , and one of the main schools is St PAUL’S SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL , where we see that it can act as a hub for our projects , good enough the organization opened a charity club in St Paul’s. Joseannex messiahs organization is fully a community based organization , and many of its members are students in different schools , but the priority of the schools given is St Paul’s secondary school
We are in need of 30 laptops , where by students in St Paul’s school Lweza and in the messiahs organization enjoy the research , and the technological advancement. At the moment there is only one computer in the school , so imagine a school of 500 pupils to have only one computer , it is a menace,
I was happy to write to Mr Ralf , and since he told me that it is possible , I enclose th names of those people in my contact and are near you in Germany. There is Mrs Heike Gollub from Henef. She is even helping a child who was abandoned in Uganda AIM.
To promote technological skills among the entire school bodies as the demands of the day today living , the world is going digital and being that Computer and technological studies have been given emphasis as compulsory in our sector having computers or laptops in schools will help more in the following:
Academic purposes ,
Connectivity , and building friendship with other people on other continents .
Promoting peace and stability and creating a way of counseling services and advise from different people of the world who are online .
Promoting research methods since much of the information is found on internet and Computer is a means to that.
Promoting opportunities in connectivity , like jobs , travels , having sister schools and more so communication being made easy.
Lastly to eradicate ignorance , which has been one of the barriers affecting Africa.
Date it was last updated: 13/06/15