Dear all,
We are a group of engineering students who have participated in an international cooperation project in Ada Foah, located in the Volta region, Ghana. We are Marc, Dani, Mariona and Guille and we belong to an organization called AUCOOP (University Association for Cooperation) from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. The project started in winter 2018, when we contacted the Ada Foah Hospital They explained us that they didn’t have any computer nor any computer information system in the hospital, so they registered patients manually in paper. This situation caused them a lot of problems because they wasted a lot of time registering patients and then kept archives in a room where it was really difficult to reach back.
Because of this situation we decided to informatize the hospital and install an open source software so they could do the registration in a much easier way. For this process, we had the help of LABDOO, that provided us with seven laptops that finally were installed in seven different departments of the hospital.
After all the work, we can finally say that the project was a great success. We are really thankful to LABDOO and we are sure we will continue collaborating in more projects all around the world.
Guillem Sol Olmos, Mariona Carós Roca, Marc Hernández & Daniel Coll

Date it was last updated: 07/01/19